
I think they did it on purpose, just to play with expectations a bit.

This is more niche maybe, but Dark Souls vs. Skyrim debates get me every single time.

The ending of Mass Effect 3 (deus ex machinas are bad, people. Don't make excuses for it.)

I'm fairly certain this person is a troll. No serious person spouts so many buzzwords.

Are you comfortable with the casualness with which we can threaten violence and violation?

He doesnt say he going to rape her. Your implying that.

His only line is "flip Kari, butter side up", and then he stays on theme, going on to rap about "fluffernutter" and "turning all you bitches to toast".

I would have stated "Halo 5 Multiplayer is all about the missed moments", This does not feel like halo anymore. Halo was special and now if feels generic. Its like making UT a modern military shooter. I commend their effort, but this is not Halo. It could be worse, I could have been like "OH HAIL-O"!

Yeah, jeez, at the rate they're adding stuff that should have been in at release, this game might be launch-ready in October 2015. Fortunately stupid me bought it digitally so I'll have the chance to try it again when it's finally worth playing. Thanks Bungie!!!

That game does have an issue explaining things. Not only was the incoherent, but even game mechanics and stuff you just have to look up. Even without the online features, this is a game that couldn't have existed before the internet because you need the internet to look up all the stuff they didn't explain.

Or you know, we could get a more coherent story that doesn't still end up half-assed even when used with a grimoire card system made to tell that story. But wait, that would be too much work, wouldn't it? Let's just make adjustments to NPC's that shouldn't have been so insanely screwed up in the first place.

Interestingly, his name also has a typo. I wonder if that was just that, a typo, or whether it was a concession to keep the code humming.

As silly as this sounds, its usually how these things happen. Someone finds a weird silly hole somehow and blows it apart. I remember when they figured out how to jailbreak PSP by doing.... something (possibly witchcraft) to a battery. Still have one of those weird little battery jailbreakers. No clue how it

3 months from now some smart cookie uses this as an entry point to allow modding on PS4s.

In all fairness to you, I've heard very, very good things about the director's cut of Daredevil, to the point where the original cut should be burned and only the director's cut made available to the public. Sadly, we don't live in a fair world.

It's polarizing, but I felt it stayed very true to the source (aside from the ending - and, let's face it, the ending as written was weak).


Also: I didn't see LOVE as a scientific power in interstellar. (SPOILERS)

The characters believed in that - Brand thought it was somewhat majestic and then somehow Coop thought of the same thing when he was stuck in Gargantua. But then we learn that there is a bit of time traveling going on right there. People in the

No. It's called Science-Fiction, not science-fact. The rest is speculation. It could happen, it probably won't, but you don't know for sure for technology hasn't been able to produce it yet or we just haven't reached that point in the future. By your standards, we could say that The Wizard of Oz misrepresents what

That's the joke.