
It’s easy to forget just how pervasive that feeling of existential dread was during the Cold War (or, for people born after about 1980, to have never known it at all).

I remember having a vague feeling of unease everytime a thunderstorm knocked the power out, because maybe that was an EMP?

Then more recently I read

Now playing

I am a 46 year old Canadian. I have a wife and two kids. I was 13 when 99 Luftballons was a hit. When I was 15, I was terrified that the Persian Gulf Crisis would spill over and create a nuclear conflict. My parents talk about the Cuban Missile Crisis and have more than once, said that they seriously debated bringing

I hope it wasn’t sugar free.

The nuclear genie is out of the bottle. Period. Destroying all of the world’s nuclear weapons just means the next guy to secretly build them will rule over everyone else. SDI was always smoke and mirrors anyway. Most of the proposals only ever worked on paper. But in the mean time the USSR collapsed, and we got peace

Recallable ICBMs. They land back in their silos. . .

PSST. ICBM means ‘intercontinental ballistic missle’.

Did someone say Minutemen? I’ve got a quest for you.

The gist of the article is we need more modern delivery systems, but we don’t need more. We don’t need to go from being able to kill the world 100 times over to 500 times over (we could probably do with less). But we do need to ensure that our delivery systems have a good enough chance of surviving a first strike to

I’ll look on ebay, there has to be at least one person with such a thing.

Turkey is a ‘key ally’ only on paper. In reality they cannot be counted on to help us in sticky situations. Turkey refused to act to combat ISIS in the early days, so we had no choice but to back the Kurds who were the only effective fighting force against ISIS.

Here, if you really believe the stuff you’re writing here you should read it from the source. This book was written by a current Russian politician. Explained and planned step by step what Russia needs to do to become the empire again.
““United Kingdom should be cut off from Europe.”

It amazes ME how chickenshit so called “conservatives” have come when it comes to Russia, and Russia alone.

Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:

Fucking humanity, we are all the same, why is this so hard to grasp? Made of the same material, born of the same planet, raised under the same sun and moon, breath the same air and bleed the same red blood that pumps in our veins. Just because a line on a map says you are American/Russian/German/French/Syrian/etc

His secret service detail will drop every mustang owner as a potential threat

Shell game.

I’m not really a Hamilton fan, but taking it slow in first place in hopes that Rosberg would wreck or finish 4th was pretty much his only viable strategy to win the championship. You can’t really blame him for trying to win.

We’re going to build this big, beautiful FA blog, and we’ll make Univision pay for it.

I welcome him bigly.

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