
Then forcing residents to park in potentially dangerous areas at night is also attempted murder.

it was a BAC111 according to the wiki:

Those are drastically different 737s, one is way newer and larger.

What about the guy behind the parked box truck?

Yeah! And their family should have died too so they can learn their lesson to not raise such stupid kids right?

So drivers need to be trained to......jump over a pedestrian who walks out while staring at their phone?

Dude its a quiet woosh sound that’s way quieter than any ICE car. Its just not complete silence. Which you will never have in any city unless you ban all of the following and then some:

Imagine a city where you have to look in all directions at all times not to get hit by something.

So everything trump says or does that is bad has to be reported on with a caveat saying, “its bad, but for sure trump is doing it for good reasons” otherwise its biased?

While what most of what you say is true, it basically can be metaphored like this:

Oh no! Someone in the past who is no longer relevant did something bad!

You’re comment is over 140 characters in length, therefore those who need to see it most, never will.

Except you made none of those points in your OP.

Which is?

Oh I meant that in no way in defense of the taxiway landing lol. In the other pic posted they look much more similar than on final, like what you posted.

On final approach it looks nothing like this though.

I think I remember they even used the main runway as a taxiway because a C17 was parked on the regular taxiway and it was either so damn big or had security reasons therefore closing the normal taxiway.

You are sitting on that chair toilet right now.

It used to be 70,000 so 1,500 is a massive improvement and going in the right direction. Increasing the amount is just pointless. Just like you said, we already have enough to destroy the planet, so we need to keep decreasing the quantity.