
I take a shower in the morning and evening. In the morning to wash off my night sweats since I’m a sweaty mess, and in the evening, to wash off any grime I got on me or to clean up after the gym.

Even if I skip the gym, I still shower in the evening before bed. Relaxes me.

THE BAND OF THE BOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s like people make jokes or something.

Well, it was in LCS, they automatically weren’t in MLG.

That’s just, like, your opinion, man.

I absolutely hate HotS. I tried it, played it for about probably 40 hours total. I absolutely hate it. I don’t like it.

So, since that’s my opinion, go play League, it’s better.

That’s what you sound like. Your personal preferences aren’t facts.

I still have only ever had 2 problems. The first explosion in a mission would cause a 1 second freeze and then nothing the rest.

Then I’d just have long loading times with frame drops when loading the Avenger after a mission.

No crashes at all. Nothing really a problem for me. I guess I’m lucky.

I don’t think that matters in the end. Once you know they are the evolutions, you immediately begin seeing the resemblances in each one.

I think it’s fine and they did a great job completely making it something different but recognizable in the end.

I haven’t heard of Massive Chalice until this somehow, and it looks pretty great. I see similarities but there also seems to be a lot more to it than what’s in XCOM.

Almost perfect.

You already won the next 3 photoshop contests.

Michael? I remember that ad saying “Dustin.”

People need to realize that stuff happens. Tripling your business’ size will drive costs of production way up especially on an old game that they are trying to keep alive.

The only problem I see is that the safes replace the standard card drops. Just fix that. Give people their random loot drop and just throw the safes


I knew it and I clicked anyways.

Any sort of level boost, in Destiny in particular, seems really harmless and just a reason for people to moan and complain about the game more.

I guess it's time to throw Patriot into my emblem. Swear my allegiance.

This part was entirely a cliche though. Albeit a good one. Gotta love a western.

Seems like someone didn't olaybthe game. Also, the action figure isn't solely his responsibility for designing.

Unfortunately not purchasing it also hurts Kojima and those who left with him after his firing. It’s a double-edged sword, unfortunately.

Well. I was about to cook dinner.

I think that the timing that had to be used between the both of them should get them equal credit, but most will go to Universe, because he had to blink in and then hit the echo between the ice blast marker and skill. It was just all around impressive.