Don’t worry about the stats. Worry about your Support.
Don’t worry about the stats. Worry about your Support.
Chesses is a new browser-based game that does just that
Wait, no Nudist Beach?
Didn’t know Kotaku was that old. Thanks for the heads-up.
Kotaku’s already 10 000 years old?
I’m looking forward to the next photoshop contest. The theme’s going to be “people having sex”, right? RIGHT?
So first it’s “Two statues in The Division 2 appear to be having sex”, and now it’s “McDonald’s cups look like people having sex”.
Oh boy... maybe it’s time for me to go to sleep.
Pretty sure they aren’t. That would completely defeat the purpose of a Switch version. And then it wouldn’t run on the Switch Lite either.
Minor nitpick: KotoR is not from EA. It was made by Bioshock (back when it didn’t belong to EA yet) and published by LucasArts.
I originally intended to buy Civ on Switch, so I could play the game even when I’m not home. But then I decided to buy it for PC anyway, because it’s the best platform for that game. And since I have a Surface Book, I could still play it away from home.
I can confirm that playing a female Byleth siding with the Eagles made Sylvain immediately recruitable for me as well.
I didn’t. I found the screenshot online and didn’t notice it wasn’t the Master Sword until after I couldn’t edit anymore. My bad.
BC obviously stands for Before Cookies...
And if you have a 6% chance of getting a defective unit per JoyCon, you now have a 12% chance of getting a defective JoyCon per *pair.*
In my case, I’ve been affected by the drift issue at some point, but haven’t encountered it anymore in a year or so. All I did was regularly check for controller firmware updates.
I’m not sure if they are a ripoff, but they’re certainly the most disappointing controllers Nintendo ever made. And I mean it from a quality point of view.
I also think it’s weird that this game was taken down. It’s not like Region Locking is new or anything.