They also forgot to draw Napoleon with a British accent. Unforgivable!
They also forgot to draw Napoleon with a British accent. Unforgivable!
I’m surprised this feature isn’t on-demand in the first place.
Drawing hands is not the only thing they’d have to learn, frankly.
PSP and PS Vita are 2. What’s the third one?
My curiosity is if the dialogue could’ve been translated any other way.
You could also set your privacy settings to “Friends only” or “Nobody”.
If complaining once doesn’t work, complain some more.
Equally annoying are the people who assume that others only want to change their name because they got tired of their own joke.
BTW, this is one of several reasons why I don’t use those folders.
“Then go back to your own country.”
Make this new Switch smaller
What? The cheapest UFO catchers ask for at least 100 yen per attempt. Even if you’re willing to pay 500 yen for 6 tries, that’s still ~83 yen per play.
Marketing. As long as you’ve got cool buzzwords and large numbers, anything goes.
Shit, it’s 16. The SNES is more ancient than I remembered.
But what if I was born on February 29? I’d have to be 64 to have had 16 birthdays...
To be honest, when I saw “Xbox and Nintendo consoles”, the first thing to pop in my mind was “PlayStation”, so the answer should be Sony.
Saying Miyamoto is more famous is like saying Beethoven is more famous than The Beatles. From a certain perspective, sure.
You’re the one that came out of left field with the weird hypothetical, so I’ll make this simpler for you: