Sexually Transmitted Crazymouth

He was only in a few episodes, but I thought Bradley Whitford was luminous as Marcy. She was easy to root for.

I have no idea how it translates to musical theater, but all of the music Jeff Richmond (Tina’s husband) did for 30 Rock was top notch. I give him the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

I love this song so much I downloaded the Jessie and Sara versions to compare and contrast. And I know shit about musical theater.

I recently met the daughter of family friends (age 16-17) and it came up that she has a crush on Jared Leto. And yet she had never heard of Jordan Catalano. What is the point of a crush on Jared if it’s not really a crush on Jordan? Good lord.

You need to get to Justified stat. That man can wear a cowboy hat, jeans, and a rural Kentucky accent like no one’s business. It does not matter if none of those things sound appealing. From Olyphant, it works. All of it.

While I agree that something must be done in response to the horrific incident from this week, I do worry that this increased attention will only result in still fewer airlines transporting pets. I had to travel with my dog over 5,000 miles, thus flying was the only option. I researched for months the best way to do

Severely unpopular opinion: I am perfectly happy with the Keebler and even the generic Wal-Mart variations. You can get Fake Thin Mints, Fake Tagalongs, and Fake Samoas 365 days a year and at half the price. I haven’t bought a girl scout cookie in a decade. Come at me.

Is there a scene where Kyle Chandler gives a crinkly-eyed smile? If so, I’m in on opening night.

And the little family they created with Kate Beckinsale where they all supported each other and Kate and Michael’s child? Sublime.

The Big Sick! Great screenplay and wonderful performances.

I haven’t seen it yet, but I listened to an episode of the podcast Pop Culture Happy Hour about Three Billboards. They acknowledged the critical acclaim, but all of their panelists thought it was mediocre to terrible, and had a lot to say about its poor handling of race and brutality. I’m not nearly as interested in

The best (only?) reason to celebrate a new U2 album is for the new episode of U Talkin U2 2 Me. Bring on the college girls. And t-shirts.

PEMGOT? He’s a MacArthur Genius too....

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Related to the ‘school officials dancing’ category:

100%. God damn, I love them.

Aw, you’re missing out. Andy’s not my favorite part of it, but I love Parks and Rec so much. I get why a single character can ruin a whole show, but if you’re looking for a likable show, you won’t find anything as consistently positive and optimistic than Parks. Also, it features the second best marriage in tv

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I’ve seen him tell the story a few times on tv, but I don’t believe I’ve seen him truly acknowledge that it’s inappropriate. Here, even referencing the warning from NBC Legal and the fact that there were people there who maybe had no desire to see his penis, he seems to think it’s still a big joke. Is there a specific

Whose album? No snark, I want to check it out, there are just too many women in that sentence to decide which “her” is her.

Indeed, that is why I found this public shaming particularly fun.

Yay! I’ve seen them live twice, which is an accomplishment only in that they’ve never been to my state (I try to see bands I like when I’m traveling). They might be the best live show I’ve ever seen.