
DOTA 2: 5 ways to lose like a winner

Growing Up Sixty-Four

I dare say the Nintendo 64 is The Most Interesting Game System Nintendo Ever Made. It's interesting for a laundry

Dat's nufin

They told him to step down, instead he stepped it up.

I have not seen this movie yet, but is available on torrent dvd version. I'm just saying. I'm a huge fan of Miyazaki's artwork and film. I definitely will wait for the HD version and buy it.

"I got a PS4 and Infamous!"

I think he's well aware of the violence in his games, which is why he tries to rationalize it. In the end, he said it himself: he has no answer.

While it's good to grow up and mature, there are some things that don't need to change entirely. Does Nintendo need to take action and do things different in order to pull themselves out of this slump? Yes. Does this mean they need to start making freemium titles, drop out of hardware markets, and make Super Mario

God, I could only imagine having this back in middle school. Three of my douche-bag friends triple shot me, then I'd friggin pull out this bad boy and unleash hell! The suspensions would be worth it.

*Accurate visual imagery*

"Typically time travelers do not purposely affect the world lines they visit."