
We have a joint account that pays for everything we agree is a “family” expense. Stuff like mortgage, phone, etal. We each contribute half plus a little bit more every month to up keep it and the rest is our own money for whatever we want to do.

Not sure if it was the absolute craziest, but one thing that vexed me was a recent Win10 preview build. I installed the update and the start menu stopped working. Looked in all these forums to see how to fix it. Tried everything i found. After an hour or two, i decided to take a nap. I woke up and everything was

Honestly... after the last two Supermen were more like Emo teen rejects from Twilight... i’m glad it looks like a “Super” story will have a positive light. That whole bumbling lovable idiot kind of mirror’s Chris R’s Clark Kent from the 80’s IMHO. Hopefully the show runs at least a full season to give it a chance to

When the first one came out, i left the theatre thinking: “Did i just watch Point Break 2?”

Unless they don’t want to have to buy an Apple device to use this “free” service.

Not saying these are not useful, but i would also love to see some higher ISO and dynamic range comparison shots.

That’s an awesome response. I can’t stand it when the actions of a few bad apples and the policy of corrupt bureaucrats get everyone in service put to blame.

IMHO: the Marketing stuff.. yeah that’s BS. there should be just as much cool BW stuff as any other ther characters.

I was also wondering if Apple was going to get sued by the Beatles again. I know they had a prior agreement (which they violated multiple times) to not go into the music business since their name and logo violate Apple Music’s trademarks.

The loophole in that whole nothing can move faster than the speed of light is nothing can move THROUGH SPACE faster than the speed of light. What’s happening is that Space was expanding so rapidly that it appeared to us that the light was taking longer than it we might think.
{arbitrary numbers} - imagine something

At the end of Infinity Gauntlet, just have who ever reset everything.. bang! reboot! and it stays in continuity.

My thoughts exactly... didn’t we kind of grow up at the height of the sexual revolution?

Doesn’t every study that has any link to the ancient past disprove YEC? Biology, Archaeology, Written History, Astronomy, and yes, Geology

Cause we all know Hillary is all about public employees having transparency and accountability...

Obama has done some nice things while in office, but his record of surveillance is awful. I think chances are that he’d sign this.

When i’m making decisions about my health and “people” are making claims on either side and one side consists of 99% of the doctors and the other side consists of a former Playboy playmate and MTV Eye candy... i’ll side with 99% of the doctors.

Perhaps i might sympathize with the government if they didn’t have a horrible track record of invading our privacy...

Interesting. I personally never found the UI to be that much of a problem and i’m not sure how i’d want it changed. On the other hand.. the faster performance and the customizing of graduated filers might be real useful.

Or maybe searching for “watch” results in the Apple watch because every tech blog over the last few months ran several articles a week talking about it?

FTA: Just 1 percent of Americans called themselves "upper class," while 10 percent called themselves "lower class."