
I'm guessing that they don't have the resources in the study to review all the footage.

I agree that the package is overpriced for what it gives, btu they keyboard is really well done. I two main function gripes are:

$120 for stainless steel with wood veneer?

If you're in the ideal environment for the fong, of course it shines... but i was doing nightclubs events and fashions shows... in those types of environments, the dark walls just soak up all the backlight from the fong. The FB will do better if you don't have a good wall/ceiling to bounce off of. The shadows are

Just started getting into Scotch. Might need to give these a try if i see them at the local shop.

yep! I tell people that anything i might want, i either already have or would be too expensive for them to get as a present.

two things i don't like about the fong: bulk and reliance on there being white walls and ceilings. I found the rogue flashbender to be better at both of those.. but it's not quite as secure.

I am pretty sure all those women who had nude photos stolen by police will be uncomfortable using a wearable password too.

at least we only lose hard drives with nuclear secrets on them!

Hopefully they don't go bigger than 5" and if they go to 20 MP, it won't ruin the low light performance.

maaaan... there are no bare naked trees here .(

While i feel bad about employees getting their personal information exposed... i wonder how much of this information contains detailed accounting records of movie budgets and profitability that can be used against the movie studios as they try and create more draconian copyright laws.

This is just anecdotal, but i updated my 2012 N7 to 5,0 and it seemed to be a bit less laggy.

Unless there was enough nori... i'd use chopsticks. Otherwise, i think my hands would get messy.

Nigiri Style Sushi (as pictured) is not rolled.

That pretty much sounds right. When the big labels also control the radio stations, there is no recourse for indie musicians to get really big airplay and wide popularity. I totally admit that the older i get, the more lazy i get about my music.

I consider myself fairly adept with chopsticks and dipping the fish part only is hard for me. At the same time... Spray on Shoyu won't work with Wasabi...

Cause technology doesn't happen till Apple invents it .p

#1 - mostly agree... but if it actually works well, i don't care as much it it looks funny a tiny camera to my face.

It's not Dead! Not at all. We just need to wait for Apple to invent the iGlass and for Google to copy them