
Apparently some their biggest sales falls have come in super markets. By me lately they’ve on been on closeout/deep discount. Back in my home town most supermarkets stopped carrying them over a year ago. Though you do see some frozen stuff mixed with the other vegetarian options. The default Morningstar veggie

don’t offer a clear nutritional/caloric advantage.

You’re over thinking it. They launched this after the fake meat trend peaked. Sales across the category fell last year, think it was like 6% across the industry. And they’re already down another half a percent in the first quarter of 2022.

That ones talking about the impact of Oligarch cash on British politics. The City of London, and the UK more broadly have become the single largest place and way for Oligarchs to wash their cash. Serious UK policy has been changed to foster this, to say nothing of Brexit. Major Tory politicians are heavily funded by

They only used and continue to use USDA grade-A beef.

And the high priced “ultra lounge” with it’s $50 “wagyu” sliders. The “Irish” pub serving shit right off the Sysco truck.

that’s a 22% success rate, or as my high school math teacher would say, a failing grade.

I only remember it was Dandelion because I thought it  was Vesemir the entire time and then he died.

It’s fun, and pretty stable. But it’s still pretty clearly a work in progress. Everything works, the story and characters are great. But a lot of side quests just kind of end, the setting and the mechanics aren’t particularly fleshed out.

I think that’s supposed to be old Dandelion, Vesemir dies pretty prominently. And entirely unavoidably towards the end of the game. 

A lot of the stuff you run into in the US labelled Neufchâtel is just cream cheese, or cream cheese made with a lower fat content. If it’s wrapped in foil, and can be subbed into a cheese cake easily, it’s just cream cheese.

Real Neufchâtel is more like Brie or Camembert. Though it’s firmer and bit grainy. The flavor

I actually had the misfortune of eating at Pure Food and Wine years ago.

It was one of the absolute worst meals of my life. The food was not just bland, but often actively unpleasant. Strange bitter and metallic flavors, grainy sauces, waxy everything. Even the wine was bad, bad enough that I sent it back thinking it

Lucasfilm isn’t going to pay Epic holy shit money every year for access to a digital store front for the rest of eternity.

They were also insane, worked as assassins and spies. Tried to wipe out the Wolf school. And ended up destroyed themselves.

Yeah but not many of those aircraft are flying at very high altitudes in pressurized space helmets.

It’s a self applied term from organized, ideological misogynists. It rolls out of a particular flavor of “Men’s Rights” movements and “Men Going Their Own Way” bullshit. Some members and advocates for these ideas labelled themselves “involuntarily celibate”, hence “incel”. And developed an ideology of male entitlement

In beer production a US Barrel (BBL) as a unit is 31g/117lt. In Europe it’s 100lt/26.4g.

The beer measure has zero relationship to the size of physical barrels used in whiskey and wine making. And even US breweries tend to track production based around 100lt/1000lt volumes. So the US measure is mostly pertinent for

Thing is Southern Comfort is not whiskey. It’s a liqueur. It’s whiskey based. But it’s heavily sweetened; and flavored with honey, fruits and spices.

If you like check Irish Mist, Drambuie and similar Irish and Scotch Products. They’re quite a bit better, but in the same sort field.

Lizardo is probably referring to BBL, or barrels as a measure in beer terms. It’s used as a core unit in brewing and distribution. An American BBL is 31g/117.4lt, making a half barrel or keg 155g/58.7lt. In Europe a BBL is 100 liters, half barrel/keg is 50lt.

But actual production at the brewery level even in the US

Honestly the same is true of used whiskey barrels in whiskey production. American once used barrels are used so heavily in Irish and Scotch production because they’re cheap and available in volume. Not because it’s preferable.