
It’s not “water added”. Frozen fish, and especially shellfish are often packaged with sodium triphosphate (STPP). It’s a preservative that’s meant to limit damage from freezing. It also contributes a rubbery texture and causes the flesh to bloat up with added water during processing. That tends to get dumped the

Diver scallops are the same sorts of sea scallops you might run into. But collected by divers instead of by dredge.

And the fact that they’re particularly large, dry packed, diver, sea scallops.

Most sharks are inedible. They piss their their skin, and the meat is suffused with urea. Gives them a nasty ammoniated taste.

I had heard of tourist trap seaside restaurants using hole punches to pop scallop sized discs out of the wings of rays and skates

You don’t need to go with The Whiskey Advocate. This stuff is controlled by the TTB. Standards of Identity are published to plain English.

The standards of identity have no minimum age in the US. Straight Whiskey standards require 2 years. 

market your legally produced distillate as Moonshine

Impeachment is a political process. Not a legal one. Without 2/3rds majority in favor of conviction in the Senate. It don’t happen.

For the most part. IIRC it also tends to be impacted by how that casing is stuffed. Some natural casing stick pepperonis won’t cup. But most will.

or even partially cooking from the acid in a marinade.

You better fucking not. 

You know what’s a great way to not be considered a regular?

Your problem is Montana doesn’t even have gas stations. 

That’s the thing. In large part thanks to Chicago meatpackers. You can get a surprisingly decent American Gyro all over the country. I’ve had a good gyro at god damn gas stations in the ass end of the Carolinas. The sort of place where Pot Belly is the good option. Companies like Chicago based Kronos will ship gyro

There was a lot of interest in Android as a gaming platform at the time. Mostly based on ideas about lack of competition in portables, Nintendo demonstrating that simpler games on cheaper hardware could be successful. Along with the money already being made in mobile gaming.

Fallout 4.5 now.”

This guy Sojus. 

Put Soju in it.