
Barrell aged beer is actually falling in popularity. It’s got some regional stuff going on. Midwest, PA, Upstate NY seem to still be fairly into. And Big Beer is kinda trying to make a thing again.

Moving target. There’s been a lot of updates on this shit the last 10ish years. And there’s more than one code dictating the rules.

That’s a bit outdated.

“Corn Whiskey”, which needs to be 80% corn in the mash by statute hasn’t required barreling/aging for quite a while.

Definitionally rye.

It’s also usually at least toasted.

The entire idea of a patty melt is it’s grilled cheese with a burger in it. It’s not patty melt, at all, if you didn’t even half ass it by using toast. 

I feel like G/O media got a buck to make “McDonald’s soda is best soda” a thing.

I guess being told their trash fries were the platonic ideal of a fried potato my entire life wasn’t gaslighting enough. 

It’s not just CNN. I had MSNBC on and this ad ran in practically every commercial break. While it didn’t run as a split screen ad while I was watching, that does indicate Applebee’s did heavy ad buys on news channels.

Fondant. Real fondant, rather than the decorator spackle. That makes the chocolate ones, at least good ones, basically fudge.

Yes a thing that has existed since before photography is just photogenic.

What you mean is they’re decorative which yeah. But if decorative things are pointless, then all food should be sad and grey.

Yeah some people love working systems like this. And that’s fine, I do get into it from time to time on replays.

But you can do that just as well in a fully fleshed out system. As goes the example the base is just not completely there.

For the most part I’m just kinda ignoring armor stats and running with an outfit I

I think you’ve entirely missed my point.

These are not complaints they’re criticisms.

I picked a few examples of how the game is still a work in progress.

And despite the fact that I’ve repeatedly said that’s what I’m doing. You keep offering “solutions” for one particular example.

If you haven’t caught it yet I’m not looking for advice on farming or min maxing. I’m not particularly into that. It breaks the role play.

I always spec heavily into crafting because the game is literally balanced around it, if you’re not crafting you’re tying one hand behind your back.

And with the reduction in mod slots, and most mod types being locked to particular types of clothing. It becomes and either or situation.

Either skill bonuses or armor/mitigation.

With mods locked by tier, and many of the skill ones appearing as legendries or other hirer tier. In a lot of cases you’re just locked out

I’ve not run into them myself. But people have been throwing them around online.

From what I understand they didn’t know they were headed for a next gen release. The game was delayed a bunch and releasing at the same time as the consoles seems to have been almost coincidence. That’s why this update was a post release thing, they apparently didn’t think they had the time to get it done while still

The problem is that it was. The game was a announced and supposed to release before the new consoles were on deck, and it was never supposed to be a next gen title.

That’s why the “next gen upgrade” is a post release thing.

Thing is their delays meant the game was coming out around the PS5 and Xbox Series release.

From what i gather it’s always run pretty well on PC. I’ve picked it up last fall and it was pretty rock solid at that point.

Wait a couple days. There's supposed to a be a hotfix out shortly, i'd imagine this top of the list. 

It definitely seems more noticeable and more common since the patch. Just on my end it seems to be almost too common. Though it’s possible I’ve been spending more time in areas with factions that are jerks.