
The beverage business in general is a giant heinous boys club. 

Things like that, the additions, added weather, replaced vehicle physics, AI tweaks, rebalances etc. Were as far as I know pushed out for all platforms.

I’m over on PC. So to the extent that a lot of the “bigger” improvements are the graphics improvements for next gen consoles. It’s mostly stuff we already had.

But the PC patch is only a couple GB smaller than the console patch. And even on the graphics front. There’s been subtle but noticeable improvements in

Along with unsustainable fishing practices, and farming practices that are straight up eccological disasters.

Shrimp can be all sorts of fucked up.

Price isn’t a great indicator. Especially now, seafood sales are in the shitter because of the restaurant situation so surprisingly classy shit pops up at real low prices

As most the Witcher ones were. CDPR tended to package a couple small DLC items in the larger patches during the initial release window there. You 1.31 patch might come with a new hunting contract. Patch 1.38 might come with an item or two. 

how this would have “as much DLC as The Witcher” and how some of it would be paid, which they shouldn’t have done.

It’s both.

I believe that was always intended to be a separate project rather than an added multiplayer mode. Though IRRC it was originally supposed to come out before major DLC. 

Because they just pulled a major relaunch.

I think it’s more that the game wasn’t released a year late. It seems like they hit issues, including a slow down from the pandemic in the final push. And forced it out the door anyway.

I mean, I get it, as the article says I suppose DLC is an expectation these days for popular content.

So last I heard DLC had been delayed till after major patches with serious fixes. Which just came out. Likewise that last roadmap you’ve claimed is “outdated” has a big ole dot on for early 2022 with “nex gen update”, which we’ve just gotten in early 2022. There’s a non-specified time line for “free DLC”, and their

God it’s been so long since I even considered load times. 

The series is developed and published by Sony, so it’s wholly owned by them. Not really a licensing issue in play with that, aside PC specific dev tools and APIs.

That’s cause typical yellow mustard tends to have a pretty low amount of actual mustard in it. The big flavorings there are turmeric and vinegar.

It’s available pre-mixed. But the powder freshly mixed is hotter. Which is why the tins stick around. 

People are unbanked because either (a) the banks won’t give them the time of day, or (b) they just don’t trust banks.

it doesn’t direct what Bitcoin has become or what it can become.

But what benefit does crypto have in that regard vs the thousands of online only banks and standard banks with online options.

How does any of it address one of the main hold ups in this particular problem.

That these people have physical cash that must physically deposited in order to enter any sort banking system.


And how am I gonna get that bitcoin or do anything with it.

Without a computer to get an account at an exchange with a wallet. Or a bank account to send any money to after the fact.

Cause assuming I’m willing to accept a bitcoin. I can’t pay my landlord with it. I can’t pay my taxes with it. I can’t use it at a