I was thinking more about trans fats. And kinda side eyeing whatever they replaced them with.
I was thinking more about trans fats. And kinda side eyeing whatever they replaced them with.
Oh no. It’s all to prevent 1 guy from buying all of it.
It really doesn’t. At least not with any style of pizza I’ve tried it on. But especially as goes NY pizza you aren’t getting anywhere close to the right fresh texture on a pan in the oven.
It also tends to be tricky to get home made pizza crisp on the bottom when using a pan. And even your frozen pizza says to cook on…
It’d need to be the right kinda dough. And I’m not sure papa johns can do that.
But generally it works better to get that crisp bottom and stretchy bread thing going if you reheat in a skillet.
If you want bubbly cheese you can preheat the skillet, drop the pizza in and throw it under a broiler.
It’s a very weird comment.
Dude hasn’t made a movie “as good as Alien” since Blade Runner. And that’s arguable. I’d go to bat on Alien being the better of the two.
Well like I said. The allocation is there to make it so Binny’s isn’t the only place in Chicago that can get it.
Because the loudest, most online game fans. With the deepest pockets. Are deeply obsessed with this shit.
So they’re an easy sale.
Many of the people making games, come from that same crowd. So they think it sounds like a good idea. Many of the people running big publishers come from the financial industry, and they…
Yeah the big names driving it have all turned out to be licensed brokers and other well off finance workers.
As they crowed about “defeating” a particular capital fund, most of the money made went to a slightly different capital fund.
Or slightly different finance bros. Who swept in to take over GameStop, with the big…
The comic gets you to cheer for various people, then makes it clear they are assholes. Then gives you anxiety attacks because you’re an asshole too. But then it might be OK because real people make mistakes and can become better people in the end.
The film condensed 6 digest sized books down to a 2 hour movie, and…
At least Gladiator, but this is also the guy who made GI-Jane. He’s had that whiff off awards bate, and somethin don’t quite work here for a real long time.
He’s a filmmaker who started strong. The Duelists, Alien, Blade Runner are his first 3 movies. But he’s been wildly inconsistent ever since.
See what you’re not accounting for is how a lot of pre-made sauce is made.
keep a wider distribution?
The trophy hunters come later, as a symptom.
The Whiskey shortages come from booming demand, especially for bourbon. And primarily in China and Japan. Most brands over sold production, rat fucking their cellars for volume. Resulting a crunch on volume before they could ramp up. It’s only once something is already hard…
This has been a thing for a long while. Particularly with harder to find brands like Pappy Van Winkle, the empty bottles actually have a healthy value on the secondary market.
It’s like anything else. Don’t buy shit from sketchy sources. But it’s mostly thing in the whole collector/investment thing.
The container has a date on it. If it’s ground and older than 6 months to a year.
Toss it.
1. Who buys butter in a tub?
Dude that’s a wood oven. All “brick oven” indicates is that at least the floor of the oven is composed of brick.
Wow my old boss who started as a commercial baker in East New York in the 60's. And has been using brick floor ovens for 50 years is gonna be upset to find out that he’s “Manhattan Bullshit” and has existed since 2000.
No it innit. Unless by chance it one of the more expensive ovens with a brick floor. Not everyone of those you see is a brick oven. Often enough tile, often enough just metal. Depends on how much you spent.
I’m not gonna argue on the conveyor ovens.
But brick floor ovens aren’t as common as you think. Most pizza ovens just have metal floor.