What they knew full well was that the raw, masculine power of British Jam would be the basis of their new non-limp wristed economy.
What they knew full well was that the raw, masculine power of British Jam would be the basis of their new non-limp wristed economy.
Self rising flour already tends to be a softer flour, as are many southern brands, so it probably wouldn’t be neccisary.
Whether it’s tougher or not has to do with the four and whether you over mix it.
Most brands of self rising flour definitely seem to come out denser. A little bit of extra baking powder fixes that.
That would be a pretty bald anti-competitive move. And one that’s pretty much in direct violation of this court finding, courts aren’t generally friendly to this kind of skirt around the technicality shit.
So they’d just be in the same spot with even less ground to stand on in a few years.
while F9 opened at $70 and then bravely hung on for a while.
The details of this case have been known for a long time. Maybe there wasn’t a huge giant special about it on the evening news, but the details of this lawsuit weren’t ‘recently’ unearthed & brought to light.
Pretty much. I mean the default approach to serious labor violations here is “if you can afford it sue”.
Cause you know exploited labor has excess funds and lawyers on retainer.
McDonald’s certain won in the long run. Not only did they manage to make the plaintiff in that famous case look like scum, come out looking like the victim themselves. But they were able to push a dominating take on the subject framed as frivolous lawsuits being the problem. Undermining legal and regulatory reforms…
Only for idiots
If there’s 50 calories in each. And small meal is 4, and regular meal is 6. Then they’re advocating a 600-900 calorie a day diet.
So the “revolution” here is eating disorders. It sounds like a crash diet meal plan ala slim fast pitched as midway between Soylent (food is hard!) and your average meal delivery service.
Thing is companies learned from the McDonalds lawsuit that the best approach isn’t safety. It’s binding arbitration, non-disclosures, and PR action to smear such law suits as frivolous and the plaintiffs as greedy.
Cause that’s how McDonalds did. And the hot coffee lawsuit is still a byword for greedy, dumb sue…
It wasn’t a misunderstanding. It was all out blitz by McDonald’s PR.
Like I said. Wouldn’t much matter. The UK apparently gets like 16% of it’s dairy from the EU in total.
I wouldn’t waste your money.
I wouldn’t waste your money.
Yeah. But with milk imports hampered by the Brexit situation that means there’s less milk in the UK, and higher prices. Leading to shortages.
I really doubt that. Europe has some massive dairy producers and it makes very little sense to ship milk and shit across the Atlantic when it could be had tariff gobs of fuel free from right next door.
What this probably means is the UK gets a huge portion of it’s dairy from the EU. Especially Germany and Ireland.…
It’s a “many people are saying” thing. The same dodge Trump always used, better deployed. Similar to the “just asking questions” dodge Glen Beck was so famous for.
You called it nonsense. It’s not.
You said that a flavor can’t be subdued without some sort of chemical reaction.
Which is not the same as saying it’s not a chemical reaction.
Now you’re just playing semantics. Real thing is not real cause it’s a different category that you’ve arbitrarily decided without consulting the rest of us. I am wrong because of words you put in my mouth.
I’ve already provided a link where science people studying it discuss it, that covers the history of the topic.…