
or a tomato-based onion sauce.

I think you might have things a little crossed there. Laptops are cheap commodity products, stores are littered with sub $250 basic laptops and chrome books. Gaming/Performance laptops are expensive.

Higher frame rates lead to smoother motion, with less blur. Additionally more frames mean more information in the signal. Like how higher resolution means more information in the individual frames. All together it creates an image that is sharper, particularly when it comes to motion, along with other assorted

How exactly did you arrive at the idea that shortages should have been resolved already.

They’re the result of very high demand, and fabs that were already at capacity. Combined with labor and material shortages, quarantine shut downs, and logistics problems caused by the pandemic. At no point has the GPU card issue

I like to make a chimichurri and then dump a small bottle of ginger beer on it for a marinade. Add a little Worcestershire.

As a general thing you can sub parsley for cilantro if you’re not into the soapy stuff.

I use a mortar and pestle for smaller batches. Less fussy than chopping by hand, I like the texture better, and crushing things tends to taste better than blending them fine.

Tartare? It’s not a sauce, it’s a dish if raw beef dressed a particular way. No body puts tartar sauce on steak, and it’s not related.

I can’t find a way to even view greyed comments directly anymore so I’ll put this here.

There’s nothing special about being exactly like every other animal. You can train gold fish.

Right. I’m the sort of nerd for a quality egg that can tell you which breed an egg came from and has a preference.

I don’t know how $10/doz became a thing. There’s so many farm fresh eggs around here I can get them for cheaper than regular name brand super market eggs if I look around.

I got to the line from the rescue guy about chickens being special and intelligent. And I instantly knew the guy had never taken care of chickens before.

Add them to oatmeal. It’s awesome. I use steel cut oats for risotto all the time. 

I think your answer on the “Why” is easy enough to figure. Especially since Congee is *already* rising in popularity and awareness. Has already been through a couple of fad moments.

That’s a REALLY common mistake. People here frequently just get too many chickens without thinking about how much space, feed, and so forth each needs. Or how many eggs they’ll produce.

All oil goes rancid if stored improperly. Rancidity is primarily cause by light and air exposure. But used oil will go rancid more quickly.

Worse used oil can grow a face at room temp.

Even when I full on butter baste a steak. Which involves like a quarter cup of oil and a stick of butter there isn’t enough fat at the end to cause a problem just dumping it in the trash. Provided the trash isn’t empty. Or soaking it up with a wad of paper towels I have lightly and pointlessly used for some other

I have repeatedly chosen the gas station sandwich over the Subway when both are an option.

I work a field sales route, and one of my accounts has a Subway inside it, right by the door. I’m in there 2 or 3 times a week, usually around lunch. So hungry and literally within 10 feet of a Subway counter.