I’d think it’d have more to do with not kicking up a legal shit storm.
I’d think it’d have more to do with not kicking up a legal shit storm.
“I was given to understand that the 2019 renewal of the license for the Macross IP came about because they had basically unlimited unilateral rights to extend their contract”
“Italian-Italian recipes are much more austere.”
That's not Bourdain's technique. It's the traditional way to do it. And the default in restaurants.
Uhhhhh Anthony Bourdain was straight up mounting pasta sauce with butter on national TV for decades.
And yet if we look at the actual firmly established stats. I did better than most. Certainly I usually commanded a higher hourly than standard, and was given management duties and jobs.
So as a first job it didn’t require qualifications. And that means anyone can do it.
From what I understand Harmony Gold’s rights are expiring sometime soon. There seem to be rules or something in the deal that mean the owner has to offer an extension if an independent assessment determines they’ve made profitable use of the license.
“the more you incentivize US employers to automate away as many jobs as they can get away with.”
Median income for a restaurant server in the US is about $26k. Bartenders it’s about $28k.
Look at federal, state, and other government jobs that are required to announce this shit publicly.
The Gun Control Act of 1968 passed in part due to upticks in support on the right in response to the to the Black Panthers and some other Black and Civil Rights groups. They were vocally espousing their right to own fire arms. It was especially frightening to whitey where it was framed as a necessity for protecting…
And that point is pretty well undermined by running with the Trump/working class myth that’s already been thoroughly unpacked. Using the same stats you quoted, but in their proper context.
“I’ll argue that if takeout isn’t as profitable as dine-in (per-order), somebody is doing something wrong.”
“Radical Left Democrats have played dirty by boycotting products”
And focusing down that narrowly obscures a whole hell of a lot more.
“Trump’s core constituency were non-college educated whites (and to a smaller extent Hispanics).”
It ain’t just acting nice. A significant portion of this country thinks “good service” means “let me put my hands in your pants” or smiling and grovelling while Karen screams at the top of her lungs about the type of lettuce.
“they start treating their jobs as careers...which means they offer better service, increase their own productivity, and invest in themselves as employees, all of which increases business overall.”
And no idea why anyone thinks that’s a useful way to go about this. Unless the assumption is that applicants will be desperate.