
I’m barely a Millennial. First couple years, verging on 40.

The ones that transitioned to takeout immediately did better than the ones that waited around for things to go back to “normal” and continued to focus on in-person dining.”

The challenge is finding an employer who might actually deserve respect, not being respectful.”

Oh and the other thing with restaurants is the interview isn’t always what gets you the job. It’s very common to end up doing “try outs”, a couple of entirely unpaid shifts before being hired. After that there are 2+ weeks of “training” where you will be paid a lower rate, or as FOH not have access to tips. After

Nobody has adjusted from over a decade or more of a collapsing job market. The whole approach to the work force at a lot of these places is predicated on it being 2008. High unemployment, huge wage stagnation meaning you can badly under pay and still get all the workers you need and have them stick around.

I might be a little more amenable to that if the general state of hiring these days wasn’t such a shit show.

That’s really the thing right there. This isn’t the first or only time that the rug has been pulled out from under restaurant workers recently.

That would involve building out multiple chip fab ad packaging facilities to the tune of a couple billion dollars each. Among other sorts of factories for other types of components.

His brisket recipe from the Ms Maisel recipe is the single best Ashkenazi brisket I've ever had. 

Yeah but the very first link, the thing this post is pointing us to, is about Pecking House. The name is a pun. Because chicken and a connection to Peking House. A storied Chinese spot in Queens. Which is not a fried chicken place.

The name of the restaurant is Pecking House

Any pure starch ia going to be gluten free. They aren’t processed by milling so cross contamination isn’t typically an issue like it can be with grains. So your corn, potato, kudzu, tapioca starches etc all fit the bill.

As I understand it it’s less Disney not “leaving it to chance” than Dole created the product then paid for a sponsorship/placement to promote that product.

Corn starch works too, and it’s much easier to come by. Either on it’s own or used to cut flour. You see it in a lot of Korean fried chicken recipes and that shit will stay crisp for days.

It a little weird Disney published it as an “original” recipe. As far as I’m aware Disney doesn’t own, not did they create the Dole Whip. Dole did, and it’s served elsewhere as well.

Hey man. Now you’re talking crazy. It’s not like thw CDC guidelines for literally every pulmonary disease ever say don’t touch your fucking face.

It's also how "jigglers" and jello shots work. 

Traditionally it was always sturgeon and old school isinglass still seems to be available.

Traditional passover drinks are wine, potato vodka, and bandies like slivovitz.

It’s not terribly common these days, even Guinness has mostly stopped so they can get a vegan label.