A couple of potential things.
A couple of potential things.
Could have lined it with bacon but I do think the pork skin added a little something.
. Even if you don’t want to order the whole kit from D’Artagnan, you can order just the duck confit.
That article seems to be about Identity, not Tribal membership. And those are two different things entirely. But it’s mostly about the shortcomings of those tests, or the reports the companies provide. Which are indeed a problem. The ethnicity reports are pretty badly framed, basically saying X% of DNA is most often…
“Canada literally tried to wipe our First Nations communities out by gentrifying them by force.”
“Tribal membership is usually determined by practice of cultural traditions and crafts, rather than DNA testing. A person who grew up learning Native American traditions from their parents, and passed them on to their children, would qualify, but a person who has Native ancestry, but none of the traditions wouldn’t.”
Dish washer detergent is abrasive. Which can scratch or damage knives and pans. Metal shit knocking against each other as the machine runs causes the same problem but worse.
Dish washer detergent is abrasive. Which can scratch or damage knives and pans. Metal shit knocking against each…
I wouldn’t neccisarily say fragile. It’s just chemically the coatings don’t and can’t hold up for long. No matter how much you baby it that pan will eventually start to stick.
I wouldn’t neccisarily say fragile. It’s just chemically the coatings don’t and can’t hold up for long. No matter…
The early Japanese works often aren’t considered properly cyberpunk, but more a parallel development. A lot of sci-fi genre nards will actually argue that Cyberpunk 2020 isn’t really cyber punk at all because it draws far, far more from a handful of Japanese sources than it does from any of the much longer literary…
The demo went out of style around a decade before Twitch existed, even before Youtube lets play channels were an appealing avenue for industry marketing.
Seriously people were writing long winded get off my lawn laments about the end of demos when I was in college in the early 00's.
Demos are an artifact of the 90's.…
It’s dumbasses. I work in wholesale alcohol in the NY metro area, my company is based in Brooklyn.
So a game that released a demo, well after the demo era. As a throwback to it’s shareware past?
Demos were often not a “slice” of the finished game. Mostly custom built, discrete programs built to run on their own from pre-released, unfinished content. And sometimes not even built from the actual game code so while a good one might tell you if you’d like a game when it finally came out. They were never a good…
Because the molecules responsible for most of what we taste are fat soluble. Including those from browning and a lot of volatiles that’ll simply cook off otherwise. When they’re in close contact with fat, the fat will bind them or strip them off of proteins, fiber and what have and pull them out of water. Prevent them…
If its bland it means it over cooked
The fat drained off of ground beef really doesn’t taste like much on its own though.
When people say that “fat is where the flavor is” what they’re referring to is that most of the important flavor compounds in our food are fat (and alcohol) rather than water soluble. So in the absence of fat they tend not to stick around, or with meat be there in the first place. Leaner cuts are pretty obviously less…
Whitman’s Samplers or Valentines candy.
I like em, though not a ton. But I’m generally down with fruit and chocolate. And it seems a lot of people aren’t.
I don’t think they’re particularly good chocolate, and taste more like orange oil furniture polish than actual orange. Plus they’re rock fucking hard.
We got them a lot, even before you could get them in…
I don’t much enjoy mint, and in particular could do with out chocolate mint combos.