
I think what’s missing here is seasonality. Mint was a much more commonly used herb in savory dishes in the past (and still is outside of Western cooking). Since mint is, to put it lightly, pretty hardy. It’s one of the last fresh herbs to disappear as the weather turns cold.

It’s useful for testing things. Whether that be a new system or part, trouble shooting something after a sudden change in performance or problem. Mostly testing in and gauging exact settings you’re using to play a game. PC games tend to have a pretty damn big list of graphics settings with many different setting

That’s not even these days. Particularly when it comes to complicated RPGs it’s been that way practically since the jump to 3d and wide internets availability.

You might have a point. The statement is talking about “closing the gap” with new hardware and qualifying that even updated the game won’t look like it does on high end systems.


That’s because your country believes that COVID is real so your critical supply chains did not get entirely fucked.

They weren’t the most popular items. Many involved ingredients not used elsewhere, while COVID was driving serious supply chain problems. And apparently things like the Mexican Pizza and Quesorito were more time consuming to make which was causing issues due to reduced staff levels.

Now playing

I’m just gonna leave this here. It’s about macron but it should apply here.

I’ve done it that way. Don’t quite like the results, and it’s a bit fussy. It’s also a common approach for hash browns. So again hash browny. The excess water seems to mess with things and I never seem to get enough starch.

Some finer potato seems to get some more pancake in your potato pancake a bit better and a bit

I find they hold together better and end up less hash browny with a bit of both. I’ve also seen potato starch or even instant mashed potatoes used in place of flour to get a similar effect. 

Dumbed down or refined and simplified? People complain that ME2 was “dumbed down” as well. And it’s absolutely the peak of that series. There’s a very judgy tendency in gaming circles to take actual good design, manageable game systems, and just any take on the genre outside of the speaker’s preference as dumbed down

You’d be surprised. Around when Witcher 3 came out the 20 year old dude bros I was working with. Who otherwise only played Madden and CODBlops or whatever or don’t play many games at all. Were suddenly very, very obsessed with Skyrim. Then out of nowhere started asking me about The Witcher, since I was “the video game

I think you need to be a little more realistic in your expectations on this.

I think the heart of the problem is that Cyberpunk as a very specific thing from a very specific time. There’s the works it was drawn from, and pre-cyberpunk stuff that it pulled from. And assorted cyberpunky but on about something else things it inspired.

It’s not that it’s high quality fish. Or fresh at all. It doesn’t need to be frozen immediately after being caught. It doesn’t have to hit any marks for quality. 

Sushi grade” is only a statement that it has been frozen in accordance with requirements for killing parasites. 

I would say 1 was definitely mediocre. 2 was significantly better. Both are dated in significant ways. I wouldn’t say either is particularly, I guess complete is the word I’m looking for. They almost play like prologues to the 3rd game. I wouldn’t call either great. I’d go to bat to say that 2 is a good game, but

There’s a serious circle jerk going on on social media, and seemingly gaming press circles. Even when it comes to hardware news. All the new GPU and CPU launches are BULLSHIT cause noone can play Cyberpunk till they spend $2k on a graphics card and replace their 2 month old CPU. The most recent brief delay was the end

I don’t recall seeing Witcher 3 commercials during the steelers game.

Yeah man I’m not the person who’s jokes are drawn from 30 year old TV commercials. That’s some comedy gold right there for sure.

It ain’t even fancy in the US. Whatever classy connotations it has are because it’s Italian, and since it’s less popular here you mostly have to make it yourself.