
Scarlet Witch was introduced as a villain in the early X-Men books. And though she experienced power creep over time, it was pretty much to the same extent as everyone else. Her powers were always centered around altering reality, which is a pretty expansive concept. And any significant jumps in that basically

Scarlet Witch was introduced as a villain in the early X-Men books. And though she experienced power creep over

Again. Show me the article about Breath of the Wild recipes that isn’t on an obvious gaming site/column and covered in video game screen shots.

They wouldn’t sell year round. People have tried and it doesn’t tend to work out well. I work in the beer business and I can tell you from years of frustrated bullshit. You cross the 4th Thursday in November, and it won’t sell. I’ve seen a single case of pumpkin beer sit from the last week in November clear through

It certainly doesn’t happen by accident. But a lot of my point is that Microsoft has been working on this sort of thing for at least a few console cycles. You can see that easily with the controllers. They’ve been compatible and had Windows versions since the 360, now it all just the same controller. The Xboxes always

So a character that debuted in 1964 is a knockoff of a Jean Grey reboot that started in 1976?

So a character that debuted in 1964 is a knockoff of a Jean Grey reboot that started in 1976?

I think what you’re forgetting is Windows.

I dunno if it’s entirely generation spanning games as service. So much as Microsoft/Xbox gaming being a bigger platform, independent of specific devices.

And here’s the thing. Unless he was straight up copy and pasting thing from some where how does that end up in there? Who reads Keese and Octoroc and says to themselves “that’s real”. What article did he find that wasn’t covered in Zelda Screenshots, on an obvious game ng site?

I know a couple people who fly drones in the military or are drone instructors. And yeah, from what I understand Xbox controllers are used for certain drones. Most militaries use them for all sorts of shit. 

Anyone bitching about cooked oysters has likely never been within spitting distance of salt water.

It’s not totally an old wive’s tale. Shellfish from warmer waters have a higher chance of carrying food borne illness, red tide poisoning, herpes and hepatitis. The rule of thumb is summer bivalbes from South of the Chesapeake shouldn’t be eaten raw.

3) Sell licenses for low level APIs, patents, and assorted other base technology. 

I love Phil Spencer but he is lying through his teeth when he says Microsoft is console agnostic.

And that’s sort of the problem. $50 30 years ago is the equivalent of $98.62 today.

but he didn’t want to face the backlash for that.

I work for a beer wholesaler, so we get announcements and info from the state a a bit before it’s announced. From what I can tell it was a late clarification in response to what’s going down in NJ.

I think you missed the point of the 2nd half of my snark.

While I’m sure these specific farmed ones are the only source near you. I happen to be standing in a supermarket.

Not even the same family.

I mean I’ve cleared 5 dozen in a sitting, but 40's pushing it.