
These things:

Or some one at your Chicago based food media outlet that spends a lot of time covering Midwest food could TAKE a photo.

The consoles are Zen2, long time confirmed listed on the XBox and PlayStation websites and everything.

The consoles are Zen2, long time confirmed listed on the XBox and PlayStation websites and everything.

Now playing

Yes! Thermaltake these days are known for decent coolers and fans and what have. But back in the day they made all sorts of crazy shit.

Yes! Thermaltake these days are known for decent coolers and fans and what have. But back in the day they made all

For $30 bucks sure. I got a free copy with a new CPU purchase, and enjoyed it enough that tossing $30ish bucks at a season pass seemed totally fair.

For $30 bucks sure. I got a free copy with a new CPU purchase, and enjoyed it enough that tossing $30ish bucks at a

Kamado is not the brand it’s the type if cooker. And yeah Big Green eggs are great. But they’re not the best smoker, or the best grill you can get. They are the best grill for use as an oven.

Kamado is not the brand it’s the type if cooker. And yeah Big Green eggs are great. But they’re not the best smoker,

Kamados are hardly the best Smokers you can get. They usually come in last for taste tests on smoked foods, and the air flow through them isn’t great for classic barbeque. Their formatting makes setting up a 2 zone fire difficult, and the fire is fairly far from the grates. Which complicates grilling.

Kamados are hardly the best Smokers you can get. They usually come in last for taste tests on smoked foods, and the

Do not buy a cheap offset smoker.

Do not buy a cheap offset smoker.

Poison Sumac is also not particularly closely related to the eatin kind of sumac.

Buddy of mine has one that’s a sort of low flat shape not too different from one of those tank style Brittas. So it’s basically just a tank of coldbrew in the fridge all the time with spigot to dispense.

I don’t even drink much coffee but the raw convenience of that thing has me pretty jittery whenever I visit. 

It’s also normal for CDP, they’ve delayed every game they’ve ever made at least once, often multiple times. They’re a release it when it’s done sort of company, announce things late. Only give it a fixed release date when it’s close. Delay if it needs polish.

It’s pretty popular anywhere with a decent Japanese immigrant community. It’s just those aren’t widely distributed. Clustered up in NYC, parts of Cali, Hawaii and a couple other states mostly on the West Coast. Same spots that drove Ramen into a craze. Here in New York state, not the city, normal supermarkets are

I think you’re vastly over estimating the number of people who care all that much about Duke Nukem. And Shadow Warrior might be a better example of that. It’s the second reboot of that series, and came out to middling if generally positive reviews. As a budget title, and it hardly set the world on fire. No one on that

I was never particularly into Pokemon but my youngest brother had a copy and I loved it. Kinda the only Pokemon thing I ever enjoyed.

I read the actual profile and developer interviews in a magazine (I’m old!) at the time. It was one of many “Duke Forever coming this fall, here’s what to expect” articles published over the games long, weird history. Announcing vastly different versions of the game at various times. There seemed to be a different one

Well for one thing, discarding trash balls chains and cake doughnuts a lot of thedoughnuts you run into are yeasted doughnuts of one sort or another.

Several of the discarded versions of Duke Nukem Forever featured nieces or daughters of Duke as major characters. In at least one version that younger female relation was the player character. And the story revolved around an older, beer guttier Duke whose schtick had become pathetic and outdated. He would “come out

“bBcause they’re flash frozen right after picking, they can frequently be more nutritious than the “fresh” equivalent, which has been sitting for who knows how long slowly decomposing.”

You know you can get a pair of cut resistant gloves for like $3? And not have to deal with a shit sharpener that will damage your knives to get it.

You know you can get a pair of cut resistant gloves for like $3? And not have to deal with a shit sharpener that