
If by classy you mean looks like a poop

If by classy you mean looks like a poop

PCs have had digital distribution as default for, god, ten fifteen years now. I think the last disc I bought was Dragon Age Inquisition. And even that was a serious rarity, I think I was travelling or something.

You should be good then. We just get a lot of people here in the New Englandy parts of NY who think live stock will just take care of themselves. And then have to find some where to take then in when it gets out if hand. Or the ASPCA ends up getting involved.

It may be a bit more complicated than that. Many meat breeds of cattle don’t do well being grass fed alone, as they’ve been bred to pack on weight too fast. Those that are well suited to grass only feed will still need suplementation to produce good beef. Usually in the form of silage, and unless your friend’s land is

That’s when the crime he went to prison happened. Not sure exactly when he coined it, but it was while he was in prison. So after 84.

Good for you?

The fourteen words slogan was coined in the late 80s early 90's. 88 as a hate symbol is older than that, 70s as I recall. 14/88 was current as a hate symbol and Neo-Nazi “code” for damn sure in the 90s.

“There’s a reason why shellfish aren’t kosher.”

Some ones one’s eating overcooked shellfish.

They’re delicious, and fresh ones are almost impossible to come by in the US. Provided your garden snails are the right species you should park them in an empty aquarium or enclosure of some kind for a week or so to “purge” (ie poop). At which point you can clean and prep them for cooking.

It’s very unclear. The Daily Star

caffeinated was SO difficult.

Palm sugar is also pretty damn good in espresso. I keep that stuff around for Thai cooking. Since it became much easier to find when it randomly became a health food trend. So I started throwing it in all sort of stuff.

Great in cocktails too. 

café de olla, a Mexican coffee brewed with cinnamon and brown sugar (which requires a special pot, alas)

Most of them are very firm, not like mussels. If you’ve had conch it’s a sea snail, and whelk is similar enough to conch that it’s sometimes sold as conch. Some of the smaller sea snails are softer, but still chewy. Very much like escargot (land snails).

AAAAANNNNNDDD the oceans are the earth largest, most active, and fastest carbon sink. They’re environmentally critical in thousands of ways beyond that. One of the key way we’re failing to address climate change is our failure to address how fucked the oceans are, and all the ways the oceans are fucked.


That doesn’t sound that bad compares the the barrel style soft serve machine. Those things are basically a big metal pipe in the middle of a man sized fridge. And there are all these fins and scrapers mounted on a central shaft held in by tension.

There skin it so rough is can cause bleeding.

It means ordering a pizza with your preferred toppings and ingredients.

Like every pizza place in the history of existence.

None in Nebraska either. Or in any neighboring states.