
Agreed... I rolled my eyes when Colton Hayes came out. It was like, really, with those brows?—you don't say...

1) I respect Amber sooooooo much. 2) I should really learn to scroll down the 200 pixels before googling “Amber Rose + Funny or Die + Slut Walk Shame Video” because you had already posted it and I wouldn't have had to waste the excessive 90 seconds. I must learn to trust the gawker comments to deliver what I want—err,

Fascinating article... thank you for sharing... I like Bernie’s ideology but I don't like Bernie or his methods (or lack there of). He is all hollow talking points with no real ammunition and partnerships to bring about the change he wants. I honestly feel like some of his ego is another example of the white male

I don’t know if you’re just bad at your job... or you lack the comprehension of your argument... but I’m disgusted that you’re trying to argue his sentence is not lenient bc of the stats of captured rapists. Bc, he got some kind of sentence and he is part of that 3% that THAT IS ENOUGH punishment. This is the dumbest

YASSSS... I’ve literally spent all day looking for a GIF of that slight hand motion... You’ve made my day!

I know... I’m sick of this uneducated rhetoric that she is only slightly left of the GOP... thats just dangerously ignorant and in it of itself an example of one not being informed at all on our modern day political situation.

One of these things is not like the other—re:Christina... talent.

OMG YASS! Is it too late to give Claire a rival over achieving big sister?!

OMG OMG OMG — Big Little Lies is becoming an HBO comedy?!?!?!?! Best. News. Ever. Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, and Laura Dern are staring as the Moms... OMFG. YASSSSS!!!!! Read this book, now... its soooooooo good.

OMG... fellow book reader? :)

I tried to finish your piece, but halfway through I got fed up with the way you are arguing against women standing up for themselves JUST FOR THE SAKE OF ARGUING. I completely disagree with your assessment, too. Respect is the direct equivalent of women not being paid equal (whether in hollywood or at McDonald’s)—men

I read that same article! And had the same reaction—I wanted to know why the fuck the men weren’t ridiculed for their ill fitting suits, stuffy ties, and pleats yet her attire gets picked apart as Dictator Garb? What the literal fuck? (For the record I am a man, and i see this shit everyday in my everyday life—sexism

Who is this?!

About time this bitch came back and stepped up her game... shit... its only been about a decade since she was a fashion darling... :)

Actually... most of my performance/activewear is from H&M (they got some good shit you can ONLY find online—I don’t care what they say about in-stores) and its actually VERY GOOD and outlasts some of my Nike and North Face gear which was 4x the price... so, don’t shit on Sweden’s H&M uniforms. I particularly love that

Interesting... I always thought culled with the sharpie + (what I assume is a Hanes) tee she was not only calling Vera Moder a scum bag but also playing off the fact it was a low-grade Vera Wang... like a n ironic hipster tee-shirt describing a garment she would normally wear. But maybe I just put TOO much thought

I’ve had the pleasure of standing next to Julianne Moore IRL in flatiron and soho: both in summer, both times she had a crazy big hat on, and both times she looks fucking stunning—like moving porcelain with her skin.

....And I just ordered it. lol Was way to fucking eager for it to sift through the comments down here and hope someone would link out to it; so I googled quickly and NOW I see everybody posting the link. Alls wells—still ordered it. EXCITED.

That gif for some inexplicable reason splices the tail end of that scene to the beginning of that scene—she switches mopeds after the first fail. ALSO, that movie is goddamn amazing.

UNEVEN? Its the best Marvel TV show...