
I think the Rose set name is a potential spoiler. My guess is the mystery Doctor is the Tennant clone that went to live with Rose in the alternate dimension. Sure, he was apparently a human, but that’s easy enough to write away. I think that Rose or Donna is also going to show up given Chibnall’s been treating the

Except you misunderstand the whole conversation. Tyler wasnt lamenting that he wasnt in the running for album of the year. Tyler was lametning the fact that because he is black the album was put in “Best Rap” category even though it wasn’t a Rap album. It is very specifically related race.

There’s no such thing as the best picture/director/etc. of the year. That’s not how art/culture works.

One thing I’m enjoying about this show is that it does a good job of directing the audience towards the twist just before the reveal. For instance, in this episode the audience sees a huge red flag when Lady Trieu talks about Cal’s amnesia at the beginning of the episode, then the second half of the puzzle falls into

I don’t see it as her being dumb, I see it as her having gotten lazy. She is used to being at least one step ahead. She never believed that what was the initial complaint was what was actually going on, and knew that Keene was up to something. She went in overconfident and that’s been her MO in all of her dealings

sounds like you’ve only watched the film rather than read the comic, because the conclusions you’re drawing are based off of events in the film. 

i think one’s reception of the series all depends on “how” you read the comic. did you read it as a superhero story, or a story about real people who decide to anonymously beat the shit out of other people

Welp, it was only a matter of time before we saw blue dong in is show. 

It builds directly off the comic, and includes several characters from the original. What story could be told 35 years after the conclusion of the comics that would constitute being a ‘Watchmen’ story... short of including the entire original cast and picking up immediately after the squid attack?

Redfordations seems to me like a play on Obamacare. “Obamacare” was originally a derogatory name for the Affordable Care Act, a healthcare plan advanced by the first black president, although it has since transitioned into popular usage. The original users of the term “Obamacare” could claim that part of the

Atrocities in history are routinely glossed over. The states are “fly-over” because there’s no real triumph or positive watershed event that happened. It’s all lynchings, massacres and murders. Americans don’t like being reminded of what their country’s history is truly based upon.

Regina King and Louis Gossett Jr are the reason I’m giving this a chance. After Lost and Prometheus I’m very wary of getting invested in anything Lindelof does. 

I think Adrian has genetically engineered a few other companions, who don’t quite understand cakes yet.

Didn’t Bubastis (or the original Bubastis) get Doctor Manhattanized in the Intrinsic Field Separator at Veidt’s Anarctic palace?

silk spectre is in the series and she plays a pivotal role in the series so no, you couldn’t have made this w/o the ideas and world-building of watchmen.

I hope people were shocked enough by the opener to go do some research on it. I grew up 30 miles from where this happened and only learned about it 5 years ago. 

Jean is just a beard for both Scott and Logan anyway. I mean, the former’s time displaced teenage version had a big thing for the latter’s female clone.

Well at least this will continue to give me reason to wake up early on Wednesdays and get the brain jogging with reading right away?

{read review in voice of Judy Garland}

Yep, there’s no demographic group closely associated with Judy Garland besides old people. [Puts finger to earpiece.] Who? Them? Oh, so that’s what “friend of Dorothy” means!