What they looked like isn't what was wrong with those films.
What they looked like isn't what was wrong with those films.
I think you're comparing apples to oranges...
io9 on Metropolis: Why it's influential This film wasn't exactly a huge hit at the time when it was released, but it casts a long shadow, with film-makers like Terry Gilliam freely admitting they copy Fritz Lang's grand, terrifying vision of the future. This film has also had a huge impact on fashion.
If anyone likes the song in the video, they should check out The Electric West! Not the same band as in this video, but similar sounding music. Dusty Trails is a really good album.
I prefer the keyboard. lol
At least mobile is trying to bring console-like experiences to their platform. Well, indie developers are trying.
I hate to be "that guy," but aside from the occasional Robot Unicorn Attack, I've been done. By occasional, I really do mean that I rarely play it. I just can't say I don't play any at all, because sometimes I get the itch to play it. lol
Can I play it intravenously?
InnerSpace has been funded! :D
When I see stuff like this, I wonder why I'm not doing more with my life...
I plan to get one eventually, but I already have a PC, PS4, and Wii U. There aren't many reasons to own one for me aside from exclusives. If I ever have an extra $400 to just spend on an Xbox One, I probably will.
Why was that so fun? :|
I like Easy Breezy, and it's embarrassing to admit it. lol
I'm going to spend so much money on these things...
I've always been irritated by people who act like he did in that video. The chest thumping and third-person speak were highly annoying. That doesn't mean that I necessarily liked the other two more. I just found his brand of annoyance more annoying than the other two.
"Ethan James needs to quit talking in third person."
xD I was so happy when she said that. That kid was annoying the crap out of me.
95% of the population never makes $407 in lifetime? Really?
No, it's my response to him using the word "psychologist" in place of "psychiatrist."
I also made conscious choices once I started college to not work certain types of jobs for fear that I wouldn't be able to maintain a decent GPA while working them. It's not that I didn't have the option to make more money. I elected to focus more on school than settling for what I could get with a high school degree.