I'm confident that I will. Although, I agree that it has been hard for most college grads to find jobs soon after graduation.
I'm confident that I will. Although, I agree that it has been hard for most college grads to find jobs soon after graduation.
Good God... I don't even make that in a month right now (part time job during college). I've never made more than $1200 in a month, even working full-time.
Yeah, I always hate reading comments made by analysts who suggest Nintendo needs to start releasing their games on mobile. Mobile is a short-term solution. Nintendo would be better off marrying hardware to software as they've always done. However, their next hardware release should at least try to keep up with the…
I thought the same thing when I first saw it! lol Although, it's really the story concept that reeled me in. The whole idea of uncovering the lost history of these ancient worlds is so exciting!
"Set in a world where physics are inverted, the player flies in a spherical world surrounded by water, where gravity falls away from the center. Take the role of an unnamed cartographer to explore the various bubble-worlds, collect relics, and encounter each bubble's mythical demigod, in order to discover more about…
It's a seriously awesome concept! I can't wait to play it! Keep it up, guys!
To everyone else: Fund this game!
Seriously, I learned that you couldn't even joke about saying you're going to kill someone in my freshman year of high school. A kid I knew told someone on the bus that he was going to kill him for doing something stupid (he was exaggerating about how he was going to beat him up), and he was thrown in alternative…
I doubt there will be many new games that require the new 3DS. I imagine this will be very similar to the DSi. Most games will remain playable on the original, but will perform better or have some unlocked features when played on the new 3DS. I doubt there will be many games like Xenoblade Chronicles.
GamerGate will go away. The only people throwing actual tantrums are GamerGaters. We aren't fake feminists. We're actual feminists calling out misogyny in the industry and culture that we're also part of—meaning we're also gamers.
The problem isn't that they ignore or ridicule them. The problem is how they go about…
This makes me wish that it was on Wii U even more. :c
You got me excited. I thought that stupid, new reality TV show of the same name was cancelled. :C
More than I've spent on any console within its first two years of existence. The first Wii U was stolen, along with all of my physical games. So, I've purchased two Wii U consoles. I've purchased nearly every major release for the console. I bought a 1TB external HDD for it. I'll come back here and edit this once I've…
Not that I think Wii U has the best graphics in the world (or even on par with its competitors), but this game looks pretty nice.
I may buy this now! :D
I would like to say that imitation isn't the same as stealing. I think this is different enough for it to be imitation.
That looks like something I'd eat my cheat day (More food than I can actually eat, because I'm not used to engorging myself like that anymore, so I feel sick to my stomach an hour after eating it).
Dammit... I need to finish Bravely Default. :[
Equally unacceptable. Sad.