
When I played my first game on Wii U, I stopped caring about achievements. Although, I always had felt that it was silly that some people put their entire credibility as a gamer on how high their gamerscore or trophy count was.

Allowed? Yes. Should you? No, because you really shouldn't judge or hate anyone. You should look at their actions and determine whether you would do the same, or how you would feel if the same were done to you. You certainly shouldn't go onto the internet and hurl derogatory names at them while posturing as a superior

I just preordered my copy on Amazon!

I agree with most of what you've said, but I think it takes two to tango. Especially since one of these men was supposedly married, and thus a cheater himself. The person who helps with the cheating is just as responsible and reprehensible as the cheater themself.

The fact that people think her actions harm women in gaming says more about the gaming industry and culture than it says about Zoe Quinn. What she does shouldn't hurt the credibility of women overall in gaming. I agree, that argument is absolute nonsense.

Like I've said earlier, he was the original victim, but he


Yeah, I've read the blogs and I agree that Zoe did some screwed up stuff to her ex, but it was also very personal. We're finding out that she didn't do any of this for good press, and I doubt she did it for employment. The online slut-shaming is something that should have never happened. Now, it's a

It's absurd that this issue even needed to be addressed publicly. Regardless of how you feel about the actions taken by these people, most of what I've read about shouldn't have been made as public as it was. I certainly don't agree that such personal grievances should have been aired out in a public blog and YouTube

So, were the low percentage of people that voted that certain sports (that obviously are) weren't sports just trolling, or do you think they really don't think these things are sports?

Every time I see one of these updates, then learn that it's still a long time before it will release, I get sad. lol Every time they update, it seems like I had just forgotten about it enough to not be bothered by how far away it is. xD

I don't know. Not too worried. Lots of fun games to play on 3DS and Wii U already, and more coming by year's end. As I'm sure Sony has plenty in-store for PlayStation 4.

PlayStation Direct?

Do they actually have them in stock? Last time I tried, finding these things at a GameStop required shipping from out-of-state, and it'd usually be the only GameCube in the entire system.

Thank God they didn't. I have faith in Romo and the offense, but not too confident about our defense. Although, Minter might turn into a star in the future.

I hope they memorialize him in some way within the next game. Personally, I think they should model the King of Hyrule after him. :)

By no means will I ever excuse piracy. Theft? It depends on why and what. I will excuse the theft of food by the poor and hungry.

Where in my reply am I for pirating?

Oh my god, I was just trying to tell the OP that just because we don't have income tax, it doesn't mean other types of taxes don't offset it. It wasn't a "woe is me" thing. Calm the fuck down.

8.25% sales tax and some pretty outdated telecom taxes as well.

Although, I do have to say that I'm against pirating as a whole. I'm just explaining to you that it's not like Texans aren't taxed at all. They just aren't taxed through their income. Their taxes are tacked on to goods and services. You know, the way to

I buy consoles for exclusives now. So far, Wii U has a ton that I'm enjoying. However, I do use my PC more. When I use one of my consoles, I'm binge playing a game I really wanted to play. lol