
That Ganon looks kind of like Princess Midna, but I can definitely tell it's Ganon.

Yeah, it looks really nice.

Well, that's good to hear. I kind of figured it would be a timed exclusive.

Dude, you're the only one being an idiotic fanboy. I bought two Xbox 360s. My launch-window one that I still have, and my Reach edition that was stolen. I'm simply stating that this design makes me want one, but I don't have enough of a reason to get one.

I was sitting awake last night, looking at this limited edition thinking, "That's a nice looking console, but there's still not enough on Xbox One that's worth spending the money on it." I'm not even into Call of Duty, but this specific console looks nice. I just really don't have any reason for buying an Xbox One

I want to like the Xbox One. I really do, but I really don't.

Anyone else getting tired of these videos? They were funny to me at first, but I'm beginning to get annoyed by them...

I'd have to see it in person. I'm sure the pictures don't do it justice.

Manhunt 2. It didn't even show anything, but the Wii tutorial before you started the game was disturbing. The remote vibrated just enough to make it feel like you were doing something real with the motions you were making, and the sounds were just terrifying. No other game has made me feel as

I'd also like to add Final Fantasy VIII.

I don't know why I didn't put this in with my list. Completely agree. Amazing opening, and my favorite Final Fantasy.

Personally, the two that come to mind are Mass Effect 2 and Sonic CD. They really stick out to me out of all of the games I've played in my life. I know most people will think I'm insane. They may be right, but I don't give a fuck.

What would be the fun in that?

Exactly, it still hasn't lead to what he's trying to say will happen.

Until that actually happens, you're just preaching the "slippery slope" argument.

Okay, you're cynical. Maybe not about everything in your life—I don't know you that well—but you certainly are with this particular issue.

8. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (2002)

I see what you did there. ;D Seriously, DLC for other automotive brands in Mario Kart could be pretty cool. I wouldn't say every model from every brand, but having their top cars would be pretty cool. Especially older racing cars.

I'm okay with this. I'd even be okay with other brands. It's kind of neat, actually. :)

The guess Revelations didn't sell well enough on Wii U to garner a release for this remake on the system. It's disappointing, but I have a good PC. I guess I'll just buy it on that.