I'm really trying to find the humor in these, but I know too much about what they're trying to make fun of to laugh.
I'm really trying to find the humor in these, but I know too much about what they're trying to make fun of to laugh.
This is a response.
I don't have a Tumblr account, and I never have. I'm sorry I ruined your joke.
Having a licensing agreement isn't owning a studio, either. Take your own advice.
It isn't "sort of" ownership either.
Publication rights in certain markets isn't the same as ownership.
People like you scare me, because your fear is irrational. The truth is that everything that is considered for any specific gender has more to do with advertising than any actual born-in preference based on biological sex. Hell, even biological sex isn't 100% one way or the other.
Hopefully I can afford to go before BronyCon stops being a thing...
We're talking about the home of the Baconator... I say they try to be an upscale fast food restaurant, but I have never seen them as health conscious. Then again, Burger King has never really been very health conscious either.
That was my first time ever seeing this. That was incredible! I don't know the first thing about this game, but I know that pulling off parries like that in fighting games aren't easy. Holy crap...
I'm going to finish up Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, continue restarting battles in Fire Emblem Awakening every time someone dies, figure out Kerbal Space Program by actually playing the tutorial mode for once, and start on Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories.
I built a new PC about a year ago. I've been using a Logitech wireless keyboard and wireless optical mouse. I've played Witcher, Tomb Raider (2012), Kerbal Space Program, Skyrim, Team Fortress 2, and various similar titles.
I'm not currently a competitive gamer, but would I benefit in any meaningful way by investing…
I built a new PC about a year ago. I've been using a Logitech wireless keyboard and wireless optical mouse. I've…
I'm always baffled by this kind of outlook on vegetarianism and veganism. Most of us stop eating meat because we don't like the idea of killing animals, not because we don't like the taste of meat. Also, comparing a health hazardous habit like smoking to eating meat is false equivalency.
I'm from Texas, where every…
The Garden Burger at BK is actually really good, too. I was surprised, because I didn't expect a fast food burger to satisfy me like that.
Why so defensive? lol
I just want them to offer a damn veggie burger. Burger King can do it, why can't you? Lazy ass.
I didn't like the original Sonic the Hedgehog much, but I loved Sonic 2, Sonic 3, and Sonic & Knuckles. Those were the only games that I kept going back to over and over on my Genesis. People who say they weren't as fun or challenging as Mario games probably didn't play them as often as Mario games.
You liked Transformers: Age of Extinction. So, I'm going to go see Hercules.
Is what you just said even a conscious thought?
People can be assholes. It always bugs me when people like this get such harsh criticism about their mod work. I know this is a passion for modders, but the passion can fade when all anyone does is down on what wasn't implemented instead of recognizing the good parts. If you don't like a mod, quit using it. Don't…