
Fanboys be Fanboys. Its not bad in the least, hell its one of the better Star Trek movies along with TWoK, TVH, TUC, ST:FC, and even the previous ST.

Dude, you’re writing this on a computer, of which the components almost certainly came from child labour, wearing clothes that almost certainly came from child labour, with a smart phone that almost certainly came from child labour.

I already know you really don’t have a good reason other then you read tabloids and are a sheep who follows without thinking for yourself.

It’s okay to hate an actor for their acting or even if there is flat out proof that they commited a crime like Roman Polanski did. So what offensive thing did Tom Cruise did that you had to hate him?

Really? What he believes is his own business and it really shouldn’t matter to anyone. I’ve read all the wacky Scientology papers, the “thetans” and all that. It’s crazy as hell. But no more so than what Mormans or Christians believe. Or Wesley Snipes for that matter. (At least Cruise isn’t building a pyramid in the

Who cares if they have more sense and/ or money? This type of economy is what makes the world go round. Speculation and supply and demand is what the stock market has good and bad days over. So you are annoyed by the people who buy it at 3 times the msrp? they are whom make the piece sold worth more. Ever heard of a

If you think the iPhone 5C was a failure, you might want to read this:

Relax, man. It's an appliances company, not your mom.

i love these 99% negative replies.. kinda hilarious. every time a device from apple comes out- naysayers line up to shoot it down, and have yet to be right once. sales are always through the roof...and products always keep selling despite how “disappointed" people who weren't planning to buy the device anyways are. i

Bet you're fun at parties

Well God forbid the people you know try to find some kind of common ground with you and share the things that have brought them joy. Those fuckers.

There was another one that came out a little while back, that's pretty good :