
WITH nail polish?

The only problem I had with The Killing was the first season being stretched into two seasons for no good reason, and the unlimited supply of red herrings they kept generously throwing out.

All this talk in the comments about Duck Hunt and no mention of Hogan's Alley? There was a local ice cream shop that had both arcades side by side in the '80s. It seemed odd that they chose two different versions of basically the same game to have there.

You aren't familiar with Hollywood suit logic? This is like what happened to the original Planet of the Apes movie franchise. the first one did well, so instead of giving more money to the sequel, they cut the budget and gave them less to work with. Every movie in the series after that had a smaller budget because the

It was one of the episodes with Q messing around with them (hence the girls).

Oh my god, I was just like you. I was 12 in '77 but i didn't take a tape recorder to Star Wars, instead I took one to the Bakshi Lord of the Rings animated film when it came out. Our junior high english class went to it at a matinee during school and I was already a huge LOTR fan because my brother got me into the

I've been looking for one of these things for my 52" HDTV that I use for gaming. I have my gaming PC hooked up to it for gaming from the couch. Does the color switching variety hook up to the tv or do they get signal from the pc? I know they make them for computer gaming with a monitor but I wasn't sure about a setup

I've been looking for one of these things for my 52" HDTV that I use for gaming. I have my gaming PC hooked up to it

If you've ever been acquainted with cattle farmers you will know that many of them drive out and honk their truck horn when its time to feed the cows. The cattle come like moths to a flame because it's feeding time. I'm pretty sure this is what we're seeing here, but I think this approach is more entertaining by far!

I have to say, as much as I love Lego sets and blocks, I was never fond of the minifigs. I prefer organic things to be rounded, which is why I've always been partial to Playmobil figures, which came out a full 4 years before the first Lego people (and have similar faces).

During the journey Gandalf leaves them to go to a meeting of the White Council to discuss the rise of the Necromancer (Sauron). The book didn't reveal any of this (it happened during the Mirkwood incident), but it was explained by Tolkien in other works. This must be what Jackson will be doing with Elrond, Galadriel,

Well crap. I only recently watched the first season on Netflix a little while back and thought the second series was still a little ways off. Thanks for the info!

Nice call. Speaking of The Killing, how about that blue ball inducing cliffhanger at the end of season one? I can't wait for season two!

I agree. I thought they were somehow against the idea of a browser after all this time. I've actually used the PS3 browser when I've been laying on the couch and too lazy to start up a computer just to make a quick Wikipedia run or some such nonsense. I'm sure you're right about it requiring Gold also....I still can't

For some reason I saw it how they meant it to be seen (before it was explained in the video). I think it's because I look for the hour first, then the minute when reading a watch/clock (in that order of importance). It seemed logical for me to fixate on the outer ring first when looking for the hour.

I don't blame him for being a little pissed, but obviously his friends know what happened by now. He could also post an update to his Facebook account briefly explaining this as well, but the thing is on the news so that isn't even necessary. At this point it's all about dollar bills, y'all.

I love these sweet Korean desperation commercials. I guess this is the manufactured answer to all those lovable videos of cats playing with ipads on the internet. I'm surprised they didn't work in an apple jab on this one, however. 'Samsunged' indeed.