Nicholas Coyour

Mine was pretty good. Did you get leftovers to eat? I got a few.

Did you have a good thanksgiving?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well you keep asking me questions don't you? I told you a few posts back that I was trolling you at this point cause you're letting me. So what's your excuse? Gluten for trolling?

Why do you keep replying back? Weird complex where you need to have the last word?

I feel fine, how do you feel? Hateful I assume?

I'm hateful? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, go look at yourself in the mirror. I can't believe you're still typing to me. You've done nothing but type hate filled messages to me. Full of vile speech and unintelligent words. I'm tickled pink listening to you, I don't even hate you. I find it absolutely amusing that

You're so angry, it's amusing. Also funny you calling me a kid, when you're the one acting like one. All the swearing and childish language. Clearly you're not intelligent enough to use words that involve using your brain a little. Best of all, is you keep responding to me. Oh, and an ultimatum implies something will

Yeah, your logic is sound, but sometimes you just want to be part of the first people to experience something and you do it anyway. Bumps and all. I got my PS4 today, haven't got time to hook it up yet, hoping I won't hit any hurdles, but if I do, oh well, it'll get taken care of in time and I will have had months of

You mean like you are doing right now? Hypocrite....best thing is you can't even see that you are doing what you are complaining about, it amuses me, your ignorance.

I can agree with that :)

I bet you'll read it, you won't respond to it though, that's my guess. Here's all I am going to say. If I tell you that you are wrong about me and have misunderstood me and misjudged me, then who are you to argue with that? You don't know me, I know me. I know who I am. So for you to argue with that, actually makes

You can say whatever you want to try and convince me, but 50 is still average. 50 is the middle, therefore 50 is average. If I see a game get 75, I call it above average. If I see a game get 50 I call it average. If I personally found a game to be average or middle of the road, it's score would be a 50, not 75. People

Again, I did not address your points specifically because you completely misunderstood mine and me. So at this point there is no reason to keep talking to you, as once again you didn't listen to a thing I said. You have absolutely completely misjudged me. You have missed the mark completely, your idea of who I am is

It's actually people like you who are the problem. You're as narrow minded and judgmental as you claim me to be. Problem is you think you aren't, that's why you're the problem and that's what I hate about the community here at Kotaku including the editor's. If people don't think like Kotaku people then they get

Oh trust me, I hold as much credibility to kotaku reviews as a candle in the wind. I only glance at them cause I come here on occasion. Yes, IGN is my main source for reviews, I tend to like how they write them and how factual they are about the game and it's elements and what to expect. I don't like Kotaku's touchy

You just seem like an grumpy old man in general. So I don't expect much from a person like you anyway. And you're wrong, I could give two craps about the government spying on me or you for that matter.

I'm sorry , I don't agree with your logic here. A test is a test, not a review. It's measure of quality is based on a different scale. A review is a review and 50 is average. Let's put it to stars, 2.5 out of 5 stars is considered average. Same as 50/100. 4 out of five stars is above average, essentially 80/100.

Yep, you should be playing that cause it's an awesome game. I'm sure Kotaku hated it though, cause it copied so many other games. It wasn't original enough for them. IGN is where it's at for good solid reviews.

And yet here you are putting up with it. I've been on Kotaku for over a year now, on an almost daily basis. So at one point I was a fanboy of Kotaku as well, until I realized how stupid it is. Until I find another website to pass my time with besides IGN I'll probably pop on here on occasion, so deal with it. If you