Nicholas Coyour

I'm giving away the tabletop game Geek Out! Not sure if you want to add that to the list, but you can enter to win right here: http://www.xionproductions.com/?p=42

I'm giving away the tabletop game Geek Out! Not sure if you want to add that to the list, but you can enter to win

You're the one who sounds like a little girl, in real life I would defend myself if need be and not run unless I need to. I keep all my options open. Maybe you need to go back and play CoD if you can't handle a little bit of fear.

Listen Kid, I've been around probably as long if not longer than you have in the gaming industry. So you didn't school me on anything. You can check all my facts on vgchartz.com for all the sales figures I mentioned. I'm not just talking out my butt. And this whole article is about the current Rebooted Tomb Raider,

Do your research before trying to act smart, cause it just makes you look dumb. The last Tomb Raider sold the least amount on the PC, even less than Xbox 360, and barely more than the XB1. Even if you combined all their totals together it wouldn't equal the sales on Playstation 3 alone, let alone adding in the PS4

I know I'm pissed. It's one thing to take new IP and make it exclusive, but to take and existing multi platform IP and make it exclusive is just hurting your franchise and making all the people who would potentially buy your game just have a bad taste in their mouth about it. Even if it does comes to other platforms

The biggest problem here is not that it is a MS exclusive, it's that it was not a MS exclusive before, sold more copies on all PS platforms than XB platforms and now is switching to MS exclusively. Taking and existing franchise and screwing over half your fanbase is not good business. I do not think this will make it

You may have been putting off playing Ground Zeroes because of its length and terrible ending, but as a Metal Gear fan, you know in the end you don't really have a choice. The good news is that there's quite a bit of engaging content to take in beyond the base story, and you can grab it for any platform for 20 bucks

I used to be huge into anime about 10-15 years ago. Then it got too big for me, too much and too popular. I kind of left it behind. Then I recently got into Avatar and that resparked my interest for anime. Since then I have been in search of great anime to watch. Attack on Titan kept popping up, everyone was talking

If this happens to me, I will literally sell my game and be done with it. I like the game but it's been more of a trying to like it scenario than anything.

Now playing

I recently made this video about bullying and hate on the internet, check it out. hopefully we all can make a change in how we treat people. Let me know your thoughts?

I play as a girl simply subconsciously or consciously so I can watch a hot girl while I play games. I play my fair share of guys too, just depends on the game. I played Mass Effect as a guy cause I wanted to personally feel I was that character. I made him look like me even. But right now I'm playing Saints Row 4 as a

Now playing

I just made a video recently on my Top 3 JRPG's, check it out!

I actually love Facebook still. I mostly use on my phone so I don't see all the jumbled mess of stuff like on the PC. I'll tell you what though, no matter how much I try to get into things that a broken up parts of facebook I just can't. Twitter? I;ve tried so many times to get into Twitter, I just can't. i don't get

Thanks Shane

Nope, I was one of the first to buy RE1 and every game after it. 1-3 with hold a special place in my mind as nostalgia, but 4, 5 and 6 take the cake. Those are great experiences. Great campy stories with great scares and characters. RE6 just brings it all together one game of awesomeness.

I'll tell you what, I've been playing RE6 with my brother over Steam and playing the game co-op makes it a whole other experience. I like it both ways, but co-op is super fun. Maybe not as hard as single player, but we're having a blast and often it gets more intense and scary than single player does cause you don't

Young gamers? I'm probably older than you. I've played every RE. RE5 and RE6 both had intense scary moments. Cause they are still horror and they are the most fun to play at this point. Outlast I quit playing halfway cause I hate games that aren't realistic, as in why can't I fight back if i want to no matter how one

Anyone know how I can get daily updates of just the Kotaku Deals thing? This is the only thing I even care to come here for. Wondering if I can somehow get it e-mailed to me or if there is a way to somehow just subscribe to the deals only on a RSS feed or something?

Hey now....I saw a second one, I like them, so I'm gonna have to call foul on that one. Same as you calling foul on my TDKR. Opinions, so different all the time. :)

We got a second season but it's too bad they never made a third or fourth season. Could you imagine if they made one where all the heroes became villains and villains became heroes and everyone lost their powers that made the show good to begin with? Glad they never made that....