Nicholas Coyour

You people get so jaded with numbers. 74 is actually pretty good. 50 would be dead average. So 74 makes it very above average. People may as well just use the thumbs up or thumbs down system around here, oh wait, they do, so dumb. Since when did above average become mediocre?

I find Kotaku's reviews to be filled with opinion, like all their articles, and light on the facts. I like the facts with a little opinion sprinkled in for flare, given it is a review after all. Kotaku tends to miss half the facts of the game cause they are too busy typing about how they felt while playing it. And how

I honestly wouldn't, but boredom sends me here as a last resort. It's not worth explaining to you, but if it wasn't for that I would never come here again. IGN is always my first stop.

*sigh* not sure how you are misreading what I said. I know what biased means and most people tend to think IGN is biased towards Sony, like I said. At least from what I hear. So you thinking the opposite must in fact mean they are not biased at all towards anything. They give the most factual reviews around with just

Most people tend to think IGN is biased towards Sony, so not sure where you get your ideas from. That being the case, since you think one way and I hear the other, that must mean they are not biased at all. IGN is by far the better reviewing site than Kotaku.

Kotaku spends more time writing more opinion than fact, and that's a FACT.

It's the logic behind their reviews, this is just one sample. All their reviews are similar. It's the mentality they have. I'm just calling it out here. Over the past year of me frequenting Kotaku I have grown increasingly disinterested in them. The ONLY reason I even keep coming here is because of boredom and I have

They said to play Knack over Killzone, I mean that's all you need to know right there. I know they are two different types of games but come on, Knack!? You're right, I'll judge for myself when I get them but I can guarantee I will enjoy Killzone over Knack, I would never have even gotten Knack if it wasn't for the

I also personally like IGN's Disqus comment section better than Kotaku's Kinja. So that makes me like them more too. Kotaku is probably a cleaner format that IGN, but IGN has more content. To each their own, check it out. If you like Polygon, then stick with them. Check out IGN's review of Killzone and Knack for

That's weird because I find fish or rather seafood in general to be something that people are very finicky about. I for one do not like seafood, I might eat fish sticks or tuna, but not much beyond that. I live in America and I know other countries, especially Asian ones thrive on seafood more. I don't know. I just

A lot of people think IGN reviews games too high usually. I personally find them to fit my taste of gaming so I tend to agree with their reviews. I also like how they format and write their reviews. Usually very factual to me and not drowned with opinion like kotaku. Of course a review is an opinion, but IGN gives

That's just what I was gonna say, the games would be smart to leave out the future crap too.

Kotaku is literally the worst review website out there. Go to IGN for good reviews. I don't know why I even come here anymore. Kotaku has just become a place for the editor's to complain or make up their own news pretty much. They hardly give facts anymore, just tired controversial opinions. Sure it drums up traffic

This is just dumb, It may not be the greatest FPS ever, everyone is giving it pretty good scores. They basically said don't play cause it's like every other FPS out there. Given that, they should also say don't play CoD or BF4, cause they are the same old thing. Run around shoot some people, repeat. If anything you

Got my 3 games, and even got an additional $10 off because of the Watch Dogs flub, Amazon sent me a $10 off coupon for that too. So 3 games, AC4, Knack and Killzone for $110. Not too bad.

But come on, honestly, are you literally cycling through 12 games at any one point? Let's say you keep BF4, maybe a couple other online games, and then maybe a single player game or two. That's maybe 6 at once. Still plenty. If you are keeping more than that you are just hording your HDD space. You're a horder. Sure,

Here's the thing though, you have a 500GB hard drive, let's on average the games are 40GB to install. That means you can have about 12 games on your hard drive at once. I don't know about you but I usually only play one or two games at a time. Once I'm done with them I move on to another. Usually never going back to

I wonder which one is mine? I also wonder if they'll ship early to make sure people get it on day one and accidentally get delivered on Thursday, that would be awesome!

Honestly, the only reason Marvel is doing Avengers is because that's all they can do. They don't have the rights to do X-Men. If they had the rights to do X-Men I don't think we'd see much Avenger material.

Before the Avengers movies, most people could barely tell you anything about Iron Man, Thor or Captain America. Captain America was probably the most famous of them. X-Men has always been Marvel's A-list team. If you think otherwise you're delusional.