Nicholas Coyour

Who seriously thought while watching the event that there should have been women in it before reading Kotaku's stupid articles on it? You were there for the PS news, not who presented it. Get over yourselves and your stupid agenda's.

I've been seriously leaning more towards IGN lately because of Patricia and her stupid agenda articles. I often go back and forth between the two sites but I'm with you, if this crap keeps getting posted I will just leave Kotaku for other sites that just give me what I want, gaming news and opinions related to gaming

I know the first thing I thought of when waiting for the awesome PS4 news was I bet there will be so many women presenting. I hope they have lots of women in the show. What is all this PS news? Where are all the women!? (Sarcasm heavily implied)

If there are any kotaku bosses reading here, please, please, fire Patricia. Her articles do not belong here. She is clearly a feminist, which is fine if that's what she is, however, this is a gaming news website. I don't come here to read her countless feminist posts. Give her a referral to some other company or

I'm clearly not the only who thinks this way as I am responding in agreement with many others. They are crap, this is not the forum for her views.

If there are any kotaku bosses reading here, please, please, fire Patricia. Her articles do not belong here. She is clearly a feminist, which is fine if that's what she is, however, this is a gaming news website. I don't come here to read her countless feminist posts. Give her a referral to some other company or

I so agree with you. Every article she writes is feminist crap. I'm so sick of her using kotaku as some soapbox forum for women's rights. She blows everything out of proportion. I so wish she was fired.

People always wonder why nudity and swearing is more offensive than violence. It's simple, because it is a mental thing. Nudity and swearing mess with your head, they are more vile than violence. You may say, violence is more vile but it really isn't. Violence, especially when in a setting such as war is more a

Patricia, the more I read your articles the more I see how you should not be in this industry. You are a feminist. Plain and simple. All you do is report on how women are discriminated against, women aren't prevalent enough, women this and women that. I have no qualms against women, I think they should be afforded

I swear Kotaku has become a forum of feminists. Why the heck is No Woman a negative thing? There was probably no women in the positions to do the presenting or have rank in the company to speak about it. Since when do we need to have both genders present for everything? If I have a guys night and invite you to come

Let me first off explain that rape is bad, I do not condone it at all. However, this is people in a game messing about. If you are concerned about this then why not be concerned about the mass killing of people and creatures in the game as well? Hey let's relate everything to real life. I mean you don't really need to

Stopping for a quick pose

Not sure of my ranking with the first 3 movies but I can tell you right now Die Hard 4 was the best of them all. Can't wait to see 5. I can't believe how many people think 4 was terrible. It was like the quintessential action movie. One of the best action movies I've seen in a long time. Probably the only thing better

This game looks awesome, I can't wait for it. CAPCOM makes some of the best games ever.

Nostalgia must be clouding your thoughts because the NES controller is about the worst controller ever made. I would not want to go back and play with that controller at this point. It's too small, too pointy, and yeah, should be nowhere but the bottom of your list. N64 controller is leaps better than that controller.

Gamers, what a bunch whiners. If think you know how to make a game so much then go to college, learn how to make one and then make it. Since you have such a blockbuster in your head it will sell millions. Quit whining here about another horror game gone actiony and get to work on making the horror game you think

They already kind of explored this reality in the Kingdom Come graphic novel. It didn't work out too well for earth. I guess if you want a dark world, but that is just depressing. That's what makes Superman great, he's a symbol of hope and something better. We already live in a dark world, it's nice to see someone

It's funny how we mostly all loved the Dreamcast and have fond memories of it being one of the best systems of our past, but at the time it just never caught on. It was like a cult favorite system or something. I even imported a Japanese one to get it right away, it was so awesome. Still bought the american one too

I'm not gonna lie, when I knew Dragon's Dogma had Berserk armor in I knew who I was going to make. It was fun wielding a giant sword as Guts. Can't wait for the next expansion to come out so I can relive those days again.

Hackers, my all time favorite movie. I was so giddy to see a screen grab from it on Kotaku's front page. Makes me want to go watch it now.