Nicholas Coyour

I will agree others, I actually read maybe 1/2 to 2/3 of this article until I scrolled to the bottom. It was tooooo long. You Kotaku journalists get on your journalist horses and run with it sometimes on these opinion articles. Learn to scale it down. Not cause we're dumb and can't read it all, but mostly because we

Yep, I agree.

let's at least be fair at this point then, if we are going to charge extra for M-rated games then we also need to charge extra for R rated movies and Adult novels, or anything decidedly for adults only. If something requires you to be 18 or older as deemed by society then we charge extra for it. It can't just be put

When will people realize that when you are employed somewhere that you can't just run your mouth on the internet? Someone may found out and be offended by what you say and not want it to get back to their company. Let's face it, people say some stupid stuff while typing.

I gotta disagree, I hate the 360 controller. I hate that the analog is up. I don't feel like it fits my hands well, never have. Dualshock has been one of my favorite control designs of all time. I wouldn't change a thing.

Been awhile since I played a Fire Emblem game, I think the last was on the Wii maybe? Or was is the gamecube? I don't know, all I know is I reset everytime i lost someone pretty much. I did play more calculating but still reset. It's hard to just let them go. Did the same thing in XCOM if I lost someone, most of the

Isn't WoW free to play now till you hit level 20 or something?

Everyone seems to fail to realize that RE5 and RE6 are just an evolution of RE4's gameplay. For the better. I went back to RE4 recently to beat it before RE6 came out and wow has that gameplay aged, even from RE5. The controls are way more clunky. Not nearly as bad as if I would've went back to play RE1-3 or CV, but

That's what I hate about the internet theses days. The loud whiny minority seems like it's louder than it is. The internet just amplifies it. I agree, RE6 was awesome and I even ran out of ammo for the first time in a long time in a RE game while playing Chris's campaign. I had to reset to an earlier save to progress

Again, to each there own I guess. I am one of the biggest RE fans. Played nearly every game, someI purchased multiple times. I love love love RE6, thought it was the best yet. I hope they don't deviate from this formula, I thought it was awesome. I'm convinced the rest of you who didn't like it don't even know what

And you have reverted to your most juvenile form, well done. At least my stream of consciousness made valid points and further proved your idiocy, which you only validated in your final post here. It's funny how you think you are smarter and more clever than me. Let's face it, I schooled you as it were. Which

Ok first off, obviously you don't listen, I said I have daughters, not sons. And you haven't even begun to insult me. I know your type, you got nothing useful to say. Just pick apart every little stupid thing and over analyze it to fit your ridiculous ideas. But that's what I get from a guy who uses "butthurt" in his

Oh my gosh, your logic assumes I am a moron. Assumes all the negative stereotypes of parenting. Just stop, I'm no troll, I'm just calling you out on your ridiculous logic and how dumb you sound. If you were a parent and your child asked you if they could play a game will you simply deny them of it? Deny them of

I like the art but how they relate to Sega hardware is a stretch. You could put any name next to them any it would be just as relevant.

Again buddy, I don't disagree with you but you are way off base. I don't force my kid to play anything. My DAUGHTER asks to play games. It's not like I burst into the room and say "put everything down, it's time to play games!" Just cause you're a teacher and you think you know kids does not make you an expert. Yes,

Aggressive may not be the right term but passionate yes. I love how articulate you get when I call you out on your idiotic remarks. And you have no idea what you are talking about if you don't have kids. Being a teacher counts for nothing until you raise a kid yourself. My kids don't play games all the time, we don't

You're wrong. I've been a gamer probably as long as you if not longer. I can play games on both hard and easy just fine. Depends on my mood and how much time you have. You obviously don't have anyone else in your life who this story relates to. Obviously no kids. I'm a father and a husband. I would love for my kids to

You're a prick, plain and simple

Nah, DMC 4 was awesome. Loved that game.

Gotta disagree, I hate the 360 controller. It's too big and clunky. Hate the different levels of analog sticks. Dualshock is one of the best control designs ever. Honestly, the only other control design that I might argue is better, but may be nostalgic was the Dreamcast. I really like that control, Saturn had a