Nicholas Coyour

Darksiders franchise is one of the better IP's to have been released in the last few years. It is what Zelda should should become. I quit playing Zelda because they just never advanced the storytelling mechanic. I'll be so sad if no one continues the franchise.

Apart from the face I don't think it looks too bad. And honestly if you were just viewing it from a distance and not up close you would hardly ever notice it. The question is how much is it? That will determine it's real quality or worth to me. If it's $10 then, sure, it's worth it. If it's over $10 then I would have


Wow, that was nerdy...really really really nerdy....then again, you can always count on some nerd action from Star Trek fans. Toodles!

I like The Prelude, a classic across many FF's I believe.

I like The Prelude, a classic across many FF's I believe.

Honestly, you are part of the problem in reporting that this game even exists in any form. If you had any class you would remove this article from Kotaku and apologize in a seperate article for even reporting on something like this. Obviously mentioning in the most vague terms about how you reported on a game being

Resident Evil is a matter of opinion. It would appear as usual everyone at Kotaku hates the games, but I and many others love the game. It should not be on this list. Most others I would agree with.

This...was....dumb....why is this on kotaku?

This was an overly winded article to basically say that you figured out you don't like Borderlands. A sentiment that most people disagree with you on. So either you are trying to troll us all, likely, or you are just looking to sound intelligent and thought out by writing a long winded opinion article. I suspect a bit

I was thinking the same thing and its killing me inside.

You are right, I'm so sick of the internet anonymity. People have no filter anymore. Its disgusting. I'm having a hard time with this as well. I'm stuck at work and just want to go home and hug my kids. I'm convinced that anyone making jokes over this has no soul. They may as well be the killers, they sure act like it.

If you don't like then just skip over and avoid it. Don't comment here, the title suggests this is a place for people to talk about it. Sheesh, insensitive bastard. Seriously, you gamers these days can be such bastards. Have a heart.

Gonna have to disagree with you, CAPCOM is one of the best gaming companies out there. Dragon's Dogma and RE6 where two shining examples this year.

Aaahhh, still makes no sense to me though. I obviously don't get the reference.

I don't get it, they are releasing Dragon's vs. Unicorns, but also it's not as cool as Dragon's vs Unicorns?!? So you're saying it's not as cool as itself? That is the most confusing bit of your small article.

What the other guy said and also you must remember that 360 came out a year before PS3. Give the PS3 an extra year and they would surely surpass the 360 in sales worldwide. Given the 360 had a head start by a year and the PS3 started slowly and has gained this much and is almost within grasp of the 360 in sales I

People are so blinded by the porn industry and how damaging it is to a person and their sex life. They always want to blame the spouse for not giving it out, but what the other person that responded said, it is highly addictive like a drug. And very difficult to overcome, having sex doesn't really help it either, it

I haven't played this game yet, i will eventually as I have all the others in the series. I would say since the first game I have been struggling to like this series for most of the reasons you mentioned. Every year I tell myself I will not buy another but inevitably they have some bit of gameplay or plot that

Not much better than Obama promising the world to everyone on both sides of an argument just to make himself look personable. He's the bigger flip flopper. He waill whatever it takes to get your vote. Then when he does he picks his own personal agenda.