
Do it - the controls take some getting used to, but they're very tight once you get the hang of 'em and the games hold up really well. It's also a rare series where the second game doesn't completely eclipse the first one - it's broader in scope and has a better story, but the first one is very cohesive and holds its

Wayyyyy ahead of you man, but yeah, go spread the word.

Wow, this is the first episode of Retro Game Master that I've had time to watch - SUPER cool, I'll be catching up on the series ASAP. Keep 'em coming, Kotaku!!

Hey man, you too - I'm pretty desensitized to people disagreeing with me on the Internet being pretty much utter jagoffs (which makes me say some dumb shit sometimes, clearly), so an even-headed reply is a breath of fresh air.

You're not going to get a sarcastic reply because frankly I stopped caring about three posts ago, but I've gotta ask how his use of caps lock to make fun of me makes any sense at all? He's the only one who did that.

Hahaha, what? You said more gameS use the same permasave thing, plural, and then you named one and said that they weren't doing any more because of backlash. So how is that helping your argument that it's not a bad thing?

Nice use of "retarded" as a derogatory term there, Champ. And great, so it's a new 3DS trend that I didn't know about - that doesn't somehow make it an okay idea. The reason you haven't heard of more backlash is because the kind of people who, y'know, comment on video game news blogs and stuff? Waaaaay more likely

Name one, I dare you. Can you? Go. Without using Google.

I won't buy DD or AW because frankly there are a lot of very, very good games coming out in the next few years - so many that I would never have time to play them all to completion - and most of them aren't produced by a company that cancels a game after being a huge cocktease for eight months about it, releasing tons

Between this and Resident Evil: Mercs 3D's stupid anti-consumer permasave crap, Capcom has made it exceptionally easy for me to not ever buy another game they produce.

Urgh. At least make a new one for 3DS or something as long as they've got the rights - Ghost Recon had me really wishing for a true X-COM game.

Who said that anywhere in this article? I'm not even seeing it in the comments.

A lot of people are going to suggest every Final Fantasy game, Earthbound, Persona, all the classics old and new. That's great - by and large, they're all fantastic games. But what I'm going to do is give you a few little warnings that other people might not mention as they're remembering things through hazy

ATB based is still pretty much turn-based, you just have your turns on a cooldown. I'd argue that FFXIII isn't turn-based though - even with the ATB it's more about managing your party structure in real-time than taking turns.

Hot damn, son. I know this is a video game blog and all but....like...go outside or something! I can't imagine how long that must've taken you.

I always wanted to play Skies of Arcadia - if it was ever re-released for the PSN I would buy it day-one. ...Actually there's that Gamecube remake, isn't there? I wonder if I can find a copy of that....

Fuck Nintendo of America. This is Mother 3 all over again. This is why I'm not getting a Wii U.

Here I was, hoping that the title meant they were going to nerf Earthquake for the next installment.

A lot of websites are surprisingly usable by the visually impaired through the use of screenreading software such as JAWS. I mean, it's not ideal by any stretch, it picks up a lot of weird crap and stuff so it's a lot like looking at a modern Web 2.0 page through Internet Explorer 4, using only your ears.

Dude, he's a hedgehog. A freaky-huge mutant hedgehog, sure, but still.