
@Quotidian_Hr: I'm not "restraining" myself to one drink and I never said I was. You said you haven't tried it and never will in some sort of aloof sense of self-righteousness. There's a pretty big difference and the fact that you can't see it makes me realize that talking to you is about as productive as conversing

@ChubbsMcGee: But...but....be sensitive to his plight!! Didn't you read he was almost going to cry?!

@Grandleon: Nah, but it increases pageviews and therefore ad revenue, which is something I have zero problems with. Gawker sites are for up-to-the-second "almost-news" with a bunch of entertainment and sarcasm thrown in, but first and foremost they're a business. Nothing wrong with making money off of idiots posting

@masterdingo: Titan AE was awesome, dude. I think I actually own it somewhere, I might have to dig it out. I remember thinking the planet-builder thing was really reminiscent of some themes from Mega Man Legends 2, haha.

@Random434: I have spent more money on 40k stuff than video games in the last year, so please don't pander to me with that comic. What I'm trying to point out here that there is absolutely ZERO evidence that this will have anything to do with giant mechs so no, GW doesn't have a leg to stand on, and has no reason to

@Quotidian_Hr: And you know that as a fact, because you're such an expert on coffee....drinking it a total of 0 times. Right.

@TheLolotov: Hey man, it's not like they love us iOS users, either. (They do, however, love our money. Lots of it.)

@harrismi: Yeah man, I totally also believe that governments can be held accountable to their people by heavy censorship and withholding information.

@NyC88Rican: What difference does the media of communication matter, as long as it's being communicated? Serious question here, I have no idea how you think the two are different.

@NyC88Rican: You're totally right, we should just pretend that gaping security flaws don't exist, instead. That makes more sense. Sure.

Oh sweet Jesus yes.

@Scarred4life: Well, how about when the entire system is wrong? Like, lets say (just for the sake of example here) that your country, which is MEANT to be some sort of wacky democracy-republic, suddenly gives corporations the power to legally ignore campaigning laws, because corporations are where all that delicious

@SophT: I'm confused, here, are you saying that just because the protestors standing outside of your office building didn't invent the signs that they're holding they can't claim to be an independent protesting group? Who cares where the tools came from? A lot of these attacks are led by the *chans and use the LOIC,

@Lintor: There really aren't that many legitimate uses for caps lock, though - if you type "properly", the only things that should be capitalized are acronyms which are by nature short. I mean, sure, maybe if you're coding in a BASIC interpreter written in 1987, then you might have a point, but I really can't think

@ddhboy: Remember, now, some people still need to mouth the words out when they read. People give them funny looks from other cubicles when they get too loud with it.

@knowtis: Dude, haven't you ever been to Facebook? Half the people I know have apparently never seen a Shift key in the wild.

@Scarred4life: "These types of tactics" are, sadly, what it takes to get your voice heard sometimes. I mean, come on, I'd be legitimately surprised if the *channers take down anything really major for very long, but at least they're pissed off and drawing attention to that fact. Two years ago I would've invoked the

@Victor Ramos: It's a welcome change from every other news site in the world, which can't seem to mention Assange without following his name with, "currently under arrest on suspicion of rape and molestation!!!!!!!!". God, that gets depressing to read.