@SophT: You have never visited 4chan. I mean seriously if you have spent even an hour there without seeing someone posting some vengeance-filled diatribe and a download link to the LOIC I would be very surprised.
@SophT: You have never visited 4chan. I mean seriously if you have spent even an hour there without seeing someone posting some vengeance-filled diatribe and a download link to the LOIC I would be very surprised.
@Tiller: My friends and I were all really, really disappointed with Brawl - we had played Melee together pretty much religiously, and were of course really psyched from all the news coming out of the Dojo updates and whatever. Then, the game came out, I picked it up, and we played it for like two weeks. There's a…
And this, kids, is why you only use ATMs after yanking on every damned yankable component, eyeballing out pinhole cameras, and making sure that the location is secure enough to make it difficult for some lowlife to pull this off discreetly. Why, I remember back in MY day, if a thief wanted to take your money, they…
God damn it, Capcom, why are you such a cocktease? Three weeks worth of MML2 avatars and no sign of it as a PSOne Classic? How about at least a wallpaper, sheesh.
@MrThunderfield: Guilty (but not of murder, so I guess I win).
You think regular LEGOs are awesome? Try the LEGO board games.
@RenRen: For a moment there I thought you meant that crazed woman in Europe who is claiming ownership of the sun when you said "talk to your provider".
"First off, there is an absurdly long text introduction, and by absurdly long I mean I fell asleep during it, soothed by its countless scrolling words."
Dear Comcast,
@m0re: For cash-monies, once you die ten times you unlock an insurance facility in your base (or so I've heard....I haven't died ten times yet. Powerlevelling, hoorah!) Until you hit that point, though, dump all of your cash into your wife - you don't need to do it in one transaction, and it's better than losing all…
So, uh, I'm not sure anyone is reading this at this time of day, but I just have to throw in a shout out to ZHP: Unlosing Ranger VS. Darkdeath Evilman for the PSP. It's an awesome rogue-like for the PSP, done by NIS, so you know it's friggin' hilarious. I just wanted to give it a mention because I'm having a really…
Only three years late to the party? Wow, he must be learning after Chinese Democracy!
On the one hand, I want a Smugleaf. On the other hand, if it's anything like every other Pokemon game in existence, if you don't choose the Fire-type starter, you won't have a decent Fire-type until more than halfway through the game.
@Felixth3Dog: But how often do you shove those earphone covers in your mouth precariously enough that you could swallow them if you tripped? Because that is what this kid did, and that is what I am denouncing as stupid. Everyone has nervous tics or stuff they do when their hands are idle, but only fucking morons…
@DigitalPhil: Oh, yeah, I mean the time it would take to get a long enough stretch of the correct pieces would be incredibly long, possibly much longer than the life of your handheld. Imagine flipping a coin once a second, and you have to stop once you get 30 heads in a row - the probability that it will eventually…
@Grahmo: I can tell you from personal experience that a lot of people do have a problem driving whether or not they're talking on the phone. If the phones came into it, there would be a rise in fatalities coinciding with the rise of cell phones, full stop. There isn't, therefore any bill or law preventing cell phone…
Kirby's Dreamland. I traded Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest for that shit back in the day! Argh!
@DigitalPhil: Actually, Tetris cannot go on forever if the blocks that fall are truly random - eventually, you WILL get a run of S and Z shaped tetronimos that you cannot build lines out of. There was actually a really cool applied math problem made out of it a while back.
That's some really inspired and inspiring work - thanks for the heads-up, Giz. Really gorgeous. Now, if only there were high-res wallpaper versions....
@Enginseer: Pshaw, nah. Optical drives are *so* 2008.