@Camann: Yes, okay, but how often do you swallow pens? There are only two categories of objects in the world: food, and not-food. It is really, really, really not difficult to keep from swallowing items that fall into the latter category.
@Camann: Yes, okay, but how often do you swallow pens? There are only two categories of objects in the world: food, and not-food. It is really, really, really not difficult to keep from swallowing items that fall into the latter category.
@burninfidels: I know you're being sarcastic, but....maybe there isn't more coverage over BG2 because it came out a decade ago? And there's a lot of Black Ops coverage because it had one of the biggest launches of all time across all forms of media ever? I mean, I don't even own it and probably won't until I can…
@MathIsHard: GoG, they have most of the good D&D games I think. Planescape: Torment, too.
@irright: Write a quick webpage with a field that you can enter text in and a button set up to issue a MailTo with the text of the field to your email address. Keep the HTML file for the page on your desktop, when you want to email yourself something just open it up, type it in and hit Send. Portability? Throw the…
@Platypus Man: They're not "missing the point of a coin flip", you happen to be "missing the point of this article". It's about cheating, bending the odds in your favor secretly. Did you look at the hashtags?
Vote: Meebo (iOS)
@Grahmo: Why would that be the case at all? It is literally just conversing (which is easy) and driving (less easy but still, if you can't do it while conversing, you have serious attention issues and shouldn't be behind the wheel). There has been no increase in fatalities with the rise in cell phone use, it's…
@infundibulum: Really? Huh, I'll have to look into that. I was raised in a horrifyingly fundamentalist Christian household, sometimes it seeps into my worldview without me realizing it.
@Felixth3Dog: I did. It's not rocket science, don't put shit in your mouth that is not food. It is not hard to avoid swallowing things that are not food. Are you saying that you often have accidents like this?
Uh, haven't the areas that have banned cell phones while driving reported no difference in fatalities at all? People get distracted, it just happens. If you can't carry on a fucking conversation while driving in normal traffic, then frankly I don't want to share the road with you to begin with.
...Exactly how dumb do you have to be to swallow shit you shouldn't when you're older than say, four or five? I mean really now.
@Timnicebutdim: It wouldn't work, though - the Move works by tracking the glowy orb thing by camera.
@John E Cupach: The Egyptians happened to have tons of Jewish slaves at the time, didn't they? I'd assume it's easy to get your slaves to push big rocks up a ramp, you just have to make sure to switch your whippin' arm every once in a while.
That is a super awesome project. Sweet pics, too.
The next time I go to the airport, I'm refusing the scanner. And when they're giving me the pat-down, they better damn well do a good job of it - if my tax dollars are spent ensuring that minimum-wage earning fuckheads are groping my balls, they are damn well going to grope them thoroughly.
And, yet, America still imprisons two or three times more people than China when you adjust for population. Crazy, huh? We're an insane police state, and I bet you didn't even know!
@martinf1: Ah, my bad.
@martinf1: Blackjack uses several decks of cards in casinos to minimize the effect card counters can have on the odds. There's nothing wrong with the above pic.
Yeah, man, I bet so many NBA fans will be offended by it that it WON'T have one of the biggest launches in media history.
God damn it, what a terrible agency. This is what happens when you force everyone to assume that everyone else is a terrorist.