
I like my explanation better: time and cause and effect flow only in one direction, that direction that we're so familiar with. However, part of the subconscious mind exerts an influence on reality itself - this can be used to explain prayer, positive affirmations, the placebo effect, and loads of other stuff.

@CrymeLord: That sort of thing could definitely be seen as a breach of journalistic integrity though, couldn't it?

@King_Krunk: It's like thirteen dollars, give it a shot and find out.

I said that Sony wasn't even trying last week with their PSOne offerings. Clearly, I was wrong.

@Moonshadow Kati: You definitely get to create your character(s) in The Quest and Undercroft, those are awesome WRPG-styled games. I'm not familiar with the others (although Crimson Gem Saga is also available on the PSP).

Dear Apple,

Holy shit, that's a fantastic idea. I'm going to go and code a GreaseMonkey script or something to automatically do this when I log off from home.

This thing looks ridiculous. It also looks like a hell of a lot of fun and I want one so badly I can taste it.

Damnit, this happened to me. What the hell, Apple?

I'm a big fan of hardcover, squared (graph-paper) notebooks. There's a perfect one by Moleskine, it's like 5"x7" or so, but it of course costs like $16. I found an equivalent notebook from Borders from some Chinese knockoff brand for $4.99, back-cover pocket and all. Neat.

Uh, I'm sensing a disturbance in the Kotaku Pointing Fish.

@ITBandit: SHHHHH! The time machine is top secret!!

@HappyGamer: No, actually there's not. There's so much more IR in

@HappyGamer: Like, say, every second you have your eyes open?

@ZaxxonQ.com: If I were you I'd try to pull the frat dude OUT of you, it sounds uncomfortable.

@Vidunder: I bet you have no understanding of simple physics. :D

@gottheguds112: Security through obscurity is a fairy tale, pull your head out of your ass.

Holy shit, how can anyone in an actual publishing position think for even a second that "the web is considered 'public domain'"? What a moron.

WHOA. The TSA being inept and disrespecting travellers, all while not actually protecting them from threats?

@SkipErnst: I always thought it was a boring old person game, but my girlfriend and I were on a board game kick and picked up a set on clearance one day.