
My backgammon set is a board printed on canvas, faux-stone checkers in a canvas bag, and wooden dice. Cost me $2 at Barnes and Noble, and has served me pretty damn well for that price. It's nice to have a full backgammon set that you can fold up and shove in a coat pocket.

@superhuffy: Yeah, but the Japanese PSN store doesn't have the absolute dearth of quality titles that we do stateside - it's like SCEA just isn't trying to acquire those licenses at all. Seriously, I don't think there's a lot of developers out there who are inherently opposed to the idea of re-releasing an older game

@Misha Uchiha: Yeah, man, better stop looking at your computer monitor, the infrared might getcha!!!

@Ozzieball: And they'd have people talking to dogs and staying up for four weeks straight, and the rest of us would look at our coffee mugs filled with deliciously illegal black-market brew and wonder, "Shit, I want some of what HE'S drinking."

@OfficerJesus: Ah, my bad, I thought you were implying that other PSOne games would require updated graphics? Or something?

@SentientMeat: Every time adventurer worth his or her salt knows that a time machine without a spatial "anchor point" is just an accident waiting to happen. Personally, mine uses a combination of advanced predictive calculus, the Earth's magnetic poles, and the GoogleMaps API. Works out pretty well.

@OfficerJesus: What are you talking about? None of the PSOne Classics have updated graphics, it takes literally no effort past acquiring license fees for Sony to re-release a PSOne Classic.

@Avinant: What's especially sad is that I'm 99% sure that you can get a much better pool game for less than six bucks on pretty much any smartphone these days. I hope this game somehow sells negative copies, ripping a hole in the space-time continuum and bitch-slapping Kevin Butler with the full fury of the broken

Virtual Pool 3? Come on now, Sony, at least fucking pretend that you're trying here.

@Xiados: Don't stress about it man, it's 2010 and paper's already passé.

Hot damn, I want one of those with The Lurking Horror installed. Talk about atmospheric!

Does this one have an auto-calibration sensor built in? My RB guitar's sensor busted and it would be a perfect excuse to pick up this beauty....

"Sotomayor: So what happens when the character gets maimed, head chopped off and immediately after it happens they spring back to life and they continue their battle. Is that covered by your act? Because they haven't been maimed and killed forever. Just temporarily.

@LoganR: Wait a sec, dude, I love backgammon but I wouldn't be caught dead with a board as hideous as the Game Center UI.

@Rafael Gaiarsa: 1.) What happens when you've already built close to your spawn, and are building a secondary base near the exit of a cavern or something?

@Rafael Gaiarsa: Uh, yes. In a procedurally generated world that can grow indefinitely as you explore and almost zero options for reliable fast travel, yes, that is a bad thing. And if you don't get to where you died quickly enough (five minutes from entering the chunk), you lose all your items anyways.

Really. I mean it this time. I'm done with Minecraft for a few days. I'm sick of closing my eyes and seeing bricks flashing through my mind, sick of having nightmares about tunnelling away from Creepers into a lake of deadly lava, sick of losing hours at a time every time I log in for "just a few minutes". That's

@Jurai: Death already has consequences in Minecraft, having your inventory get lost instantly when you die on top of everything else just seems like overkill.

@Shagittarius: Hahaha. Right. You're clearly either insane or stupid and I don't care enough to figure out which. Enjoy your life. Seriously, everyone in this thread - not just me - is explaining to you in no uncertain terms exactly why you're wrong, but you just keep parroting the same wrong ideas. Good job.