
@Shagittarius: There's more going on in 99% of free to play games than just bug fixes and tweaking, and I don't understand why you think that that's the case. Have you ever actually played a free game? And no, they don't "owe" you anything, especially - again, I think you're missing this - in a free to play game.

@Shagittarius: I've asked you a few times to clarify your stance and all you've written back are one line retorts. You're clearly not thinking about the issue at all. You're latched on to your viewpoint and you're convinced that you're right so you're ignoring all of the evidence that points to quite the opposite

@subedii: Fantastically put.

@Shagittarius: Oh, I see. You're one of those people who adopt some ridiculous slogan or idea as gospel truth and then neglect to apply any sort of critical thought to the matter.

@Shagittarius: Or he could be saying that he's changing features they've received negative feedback over, something that happens all the time in software development. People claim they want Feature X to work in a specific way, but when it's delivered they all cry and bitch and say what they actually wanted was more

@KennyOO7: As hard as the community is to break into, it's still way better than DotA itself or HoN.

@Shagittarius: Neither subscriptions nor microtransactions necessarily mean a game is broken or incomplete. Quit your bitching.

Facebook is a data mining company that just barely manages to pretend that it's a social network most of the time. If that's not evil (especially considering how much they take advantage of the ignorance of their main demographic) then I don't know what is.

@Enginerd: This is so wrong it's absurd. How about the targetted ads potentially outing closeted gays? How about changing the privacy settings without much (if any) warning and then defaulting users to the new, hyper-open settings? Come on, man, Facebook is pretty clearly a data mining company that happens to

I'm not going to put 'em forward for the best developers (they only had like three games, and only one was for the PC), but I think that Neverhood, Inc. deserves a mention for doing their flagship game entirely in claymation. The amount of dedication that must've taken is insane, but the end product is so amazing

@Burritosat4am: How about Counter Strike itself? It made Counter Strike exist.

This morning, I woke up and thought "man, I'm sick of dreaming in cubic blocks - maybe I should lay off the Minecraft for a while."

@tim rogers: Yeah, that one was far worse, but I don't remember for sure if Keiji Inafune had a hand in it or not. But hey, he wanted to end the series at X5 altogether and X6 was created basically behind his back, so it's just even more reason to be worried. It seemed almost like Inafune was the emergency valve

God damnit. Does anyone else remember what happens when Capcom makes a Mega Man game without Inafune? That's right, you end up with a pile of shit like Mega Man X6.

"For example, not thirty pages in, Tiffany is called to assist when a pregnant thirteen-year-old miscarries after being assaulted by her violent, alcoholic father. The young witch is able to use hedge-magic to take away the girl' s pain before burying the foetus; the father later hangs himself. Hogwarts, it ain't."

@Richard Gagnon: Yeah, except this thread was about Legends 3. Which has nothing to do with the PSP at all.

@Discoeyeball: Yes, but the PSP has nothing to do with Legends 3. So....again, what was he trying to say?

@Paradox me: Well to be fair, his design for the contest was like "hey I wonder if I just draw Roll again with a more classic hairstyle if anyone will notice". It seemed sort of phoned-in.

@MrScottyBear: It's....not coming out for the PSP. What are you trying to say here?