
@corme: It's been up for over a year. There are usually a few people running around at any given time. It's got some neat ideas but is about as intuitive as trying to learn to operate a sewing machine with your feet while wearing a blindfold, and there's more grinding than a high school prom dance.

@Go Go Gadget: Guttah Trash!: Yes, I'd walk away, at least temporarily. I don't let assholes from the Internet run my life, thank you. I wouldn't let my time and my life be essentially held as ransom with my work as the hostage, that's absolutely ludicrous. The people causing the DDOS have shown that clearly they


There's been a lot of high-budget, low-quality JRPGs out there for the current-gen systems this last year or so, they all blend together in my head. Is Resonance of Fate one of the rare decent games, or is it a pile of crap? It's for sale on Amazon right now.

@Rawrnosaourous: Some guy forgot to close his tags or made some sort of crazy typo or something - the comment parser *should've* caught and fixed it, I would think, but maybe it was a typo that had some kind of escape characters in it or something?

@Yankton: I visit Gizmodo religiously and check io9 and Lifehacker at least once a day - so far, I'm starred here and at io9.

@SuicidalEarthworm: "The new releases you want now are still going to be around when you finish your current games but will probably be a lot cheaper."

Gah, the spelling and grammar errors in that beast are absolutely appalling.

@Datsun_John: Uh, sorry? I didn't figure anyone would still be playing it - it's four years old, not very long, and was never popular in the slightest (despite being a very charming little game). Besides, it's not exactly a game you play for the plot.

@jkaste06: Hey now, I never said *I* take it seriously. All I meant was that MW takes ITSELF more seriously than MGS.

Anyone who really takes the plotlines of the Metal Gear Solid series seriously at all deserves each and every "slap in the face" that Kojima's fourth wall breaking can dish out. Seriously.

@Tanneseph: I'm not familiar with the game, but the reveal sounds interesting. Care to spoil it for me? I'm normally a fan of JRPGs but I'm sensitive to dumb names - reading "Fayt Leingod" for the first time made me break out in hives.

@razzbarry: Can we just extend this to every tired Internet meme? It was funny the first time a game asked me to hit an enemy crab's weak point for MASSIVE DAMAGE but I've seen it in like four other games since.

@CockroachMan: So did Phantom Hourglass. Trace Memory actually went a step further - for one puzzle, you need to close the DS part-way, then look at the way the bottom screen reflects off of the top screen to complete a message.

This is a dangerous time for me to be looking into buying a Mac for iOS development, isn't it. Damn, that's just downright sexy.

Would've bought it if it was called Scary Birds, but since they missed that opportunity I'll just stick to the delicious free updates.

I want one so badly I can taste it. It tastes delicious, like beautifully designed but horribly overpriced watches are known to do.

@WhoKnew?: There's a limit, but it's much bigger than the surface area of the Earth. So you might as well pretend that there's not a limit at all.

I once got lost for a half hour because Google Maps had directed me not to a Wal-Mart but to a small, empty parking lot more than a mile away. I mean...how the hell do you lose a Wal-Mart in suburban Illinois?

@Dr Nilsson: It's one thing for a game to have bugs, but it's insane to think that just because bugs are inevitable gamers should just shut up and cope with a game plagued with them. There's a difference between "oh, if you hit a certain brick in world 1-2 at a certain angle while going backwards and tap a direction