
@strideo: Then you've already "won" the "funny games". You're not the kind of person who would really gain anything from the film. Congratulations, you have a natural sense of empathy, and you're not desensitized enough to justify watching the most horrific things with "it's just a movie"!

@strideo: I don't know, normally I'd agree with you but on the other hand the movie's executed pretty well and frankly the message it presents feels very fresh. Besides, it's almost tasteful - for being a response to gore porn movies, there's remarkably little violence shown on screen. It's about the only movie that

@ceptri: While that's certainly a valid interpretation, the dialog between the killers at the end really drives the point home about what I was trying to say here. IMDB only has part of the dialog in the quotes section, but it should be enough to support what I'm saying here:

@wahrugene1: Again, the whole point of this particular movie is to posit the idea that the horrible violence wreaked on the characters ISN'T okay because it's "just a movie". But to make that point, they really need to send a strong message to the viewer that it is, indeed, "just a movie" in the first place.

@Mozz-eyes: It's the exact same knot as tying your shoes, dude. Chillax and take it slow, you'll be fine.

@Troubadour: EarthBound. I was young, I was stupid, I was writing fanfiction, but at least I still had a decent taste in games, right?

@MrMrScott: It totally depends on the kind of bugs. Fallout 3 crashed a few times and that dude in Megaton who buys scrap metal had a habit of wandering off a cliff to his death, but that's okay - it's totally possible to work around those. TES2: Daggerfall, on the other hand, was literally impossible to complete

@Chestnut Bowl: If you play EVE for very long, and you still pay a subscription fee, it means you're bad at EVE.

Question: is there any way to transfer Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 'mons to HG/SS/D/P/P? I don't *think* there is, but I've been wrong before, so I figured I'd ask.

@George Stankow: Except you're watching the movie. You're encouraging it. And it's awful. It doesn't excuse it, it accuses you of implicitly approving of what's happening, because you're watching. Sure, it's "just a movie", but it's a movie about cold-blooded torture and slaughter - and you're sitting there

@algomeysa: This is exactly the point. This isn't a "ridiculous twist" (and I'd argue that Funny Games isn't really a horror movie, either). This scene basically tells the viewer, "Yes, this is a movie. No, that doesn't mean that all this violence and torture is somehow okay." The fact that anyone could miss this

@skippitymonster: The movie actually isn't "nasty material" at all - despite being almost painful to watch at parts, there's VERY little on-screen violence (practically none). That's sort of the point of the whole thing.

The whole point of the movie is that by watching it, the audience is complicit in the torture that Peter and Paul inflict on the family. How could anyone miss this subtext? They practically beat you over the face with it in the boat scene. This scene forces the viewer to remember that it's just a movie - but then

Fuck the airport Gestapo. That's all that really needs to be said here.

@Diminuendo: Yes, but the show actually is! It's amazing how that can work! Like being terminally ill isn't funny, but Scrubs manages to make people laugh every once in a while! Or how "war is hell" but Hawkeye can crack us all up on M.A.S.H.!

@Archaotic: "Systematic butchering"? You'll have to fill me in on that one, all I've really heard about is the character design decision (and if THAT'S what you're referring to, well...Jesus Christ quit crying.) But what else have they changed? Inform me, please.

@Vysion: You've got the wrong perspective here, friend. Don't think of it as "who could run Crysis when it came out?", think of it as "how many years until the average user can run Crysis?" Like Arionfrost said, there's a million reasons that you'll eventually end up getting a new computer, and that computer won't

@The MSJ: That's amazing. The guys on the New Vegas dev team must have a pension for humor.

@The MSJ: Whaaaaat? A Z.C. reference? *promotes comment* Is that seriously in the game, because that is hilarious.

What're the best ways to earn ISK quickly in EVE as a newbie? Seems like stuff like mining and manufacturing isn't very cost effective until you have enough cash to initially invest in blueprints and stuff...anyone got any general pointers?