
@wheelis: Yeah, as Ballistic says, K-Mart survived by buying Sears and renaming the resulting conglomerate, "Sears Holdings Corporation". It was actually a hell of a ballsy business move, pretty impressive.

@JRock: Thanks, grabbed it! I only played for a couple minutes but it looks pretty cool.

Do you know what kind of law we really need? We need a law that any time a politician drafts a bill based on fear-mongering and emotional appeals rather than facts and data, we can beat said politician mercilessly with pool noodles until they know better.

@xAzathothx: Did you just claim that it's not insane to take ethical advice from mass murderers because if you did then I think this conversation is over. I mean, by the very nature of being a mass murderer shows that they have no grasp of social norms or mores and are therefore useless in a moral or ethical debate.

@Underpants Gnome: That's nothing - you'll almost never serve jury duty if you give any indication that you know about and understand jury nullification. Can't have rational people deciding that it's not fair to toss someone in jail for decades for a nonviolent offense, now, can we?

Yahoo is for checking the weather when Weather.com keeps inexplicably rerouting me to their mobile version with no link to go back to the default view.

@xAzathothx: I never said we should worry about only one thing at a time, but that doesn't mean that you can't prioritize. Nice job taking a perfectly fine point and then stretching it to absurdist extremes, though - are you a member of PETA? You seem like you'd fit right in.

@oosiegewolfoo: Then you'd be really, really surprised. This isn't anything new, MMOs fold all the time.

@Bull0: Well...yeah? I mean, games are fun and all, but when BioShock gets hailed as having one of the best narratives in the genre you know that people generally aren't buying them for the plot. What I'm trying to say, I guess, is that while some games have so-so stories, generally the people that care about them

@oosiegewolfoo: You know all that little fine print on the back of game boxes? And those insanely long license agreements you have to click through before installing the game? It can usually be summed up by this:


@Oneiros42: Yeah, I'm just going to have to entirely disagree with that kind of thinking - the key is setting solid, concrete goals, not solid deadlines. You can tell whether or not you've achieved a goal if it's concise and concrete, whereas a date is just an arbitrary point in the future. Besides, look at Valve

@CapitalJigga: Yup. It's just the way these things go.

Studio releases clearly half-baked, underfinished game. Studio goes under. Half-baked game bombs.

@SquareWheel: Yes, that's generally what happens when you purchase something, you exchange your money for the goods or services you're recieving. What, are you expecting this bankrupt studio that just underwent massive layoffs to refund everyone for their game disc? That's not how these things work.

Man, as I woke up this morning and read the paper, I noticed something. In all the news about political upheavals, people blowing their own heads off with pipe bombs outside of suburban middle schools, police brutality, child trafficking rings, oncoming hurricanes, massive environmental damage from the BP spill,

@Acemonster: Hahaha, I saw that one too. At least the police chief in that case straight-up fired the officers involved (no "administrative leave") and is heading up an investigation.

@Acemonster: *shrug* I live in one of those hellish dystopian police states you've mentioned.

@Vidikron: No idea, but I kinda doubt it - even just on my iPhone 4's screen, the pixelation is really noticeable. I'm pretty sure it's a re-release of some 90's game that I never got around to playing, so I doubt it'll get a graphical overhaul any time soon. I thought almost all iPhone games were playable on the