
@JRock: Being perfectly honest, sort of mediocre: there's a set of arrow keys for moving forwards, backwards, and strafing, with extra keys above the strafe buttons for turning. There might be a way to configure it differently but I haven't bothered trying - it might have a mediocre control scheme but it's totally

Just be careful to never glance in a cop's direction while wearing one.....

So, yesterday in the comments I mentioned that I picked up the iPhone game "The Quest" on a whim, but had only played it for like five minutes at the time.

Holy fuck I want a Muppets in Space game now. Please, BioWare, make it so!

@Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.: Whatever, just because he's younger and doesn't have white hair yet doesn't seem to be any reason to hate on the game over one trailer unless you're the kind of person who whines about every little change. I mean, the developers decided to take the aesthetics of

Anyone else here play The Quest for iOS? I just picked it up like ten minutes ago, created a character and jumped in, but that's as far as I've gone - hard to get away with playing phone games at work, y'know. I was looking for the kind of game that has a huge world worth exploring, and this seems pretty promising -

@Leveticus: The 3000 is (or at least used to be) unhackable if it was updated past a certain firmware. I'm *pretty* sure you can hack all 2000's before a certain serial number.* Basically, if they're deadset on hacking it I'd go with the 2000, but you're not going to go wrong with either - as long as you avoid the

@GoldenLink: You raise a ton of good points and everyone should probably read this. Of course, it's going to fall entirely on deaf ears because by and large the "gaming community" is comprised of whiny people who despise change.

@jim_error404: There's third-person "takedowns". Whether or not you think that's a good thing is your own call.

No Mega Man Legends 3? I am so very, very sad.

@kyoshizen: "Feeding the trolls" would be arguing with him or getting upset, dude. I'm just curious as to whether he's actually got an answer.

@BrandonMkIII: Why, you must be an absolute laugh riot at parties! Why, pray tell, do you hope this fails? Or had you not thought it through that far ahead?

Buttons are for newbs! Review that sick Fender Squier guitar/controller that's coming out soon, please!

@unbrokenhope: There's a Fender Squier with RB3 Pro Mode compatibility being released soon - and really, the most 'impressive' thing about Power Gig is those ridiculous air drums.

@gover57: Psssst, it's 2010, you can surgically remove their musk glands.

@trs: Huh. That's what I was afraid of - thanks for the heads-up.

@Nulls: If you ban the hacks as they come out, then the hackers know exactly what sets off your anti-cheating software. Doing it in one big fell swoop like this sets back the hacking community significantly because oftentimes it's not clear what triggered the bans, so they can't avoid doing it in the future.

@trs: I actually meant like on the frontpage of a Gawker site, like where it tells you that you have a reply waiting.